Stitch and String Lab for Kids: 40+ Creative Projects to Sew, Embroider, Weave, Wrap, and Tie Cassie Stephens5
Creative Lettering and Beyond: Timeless Calligraphy (A collection of traditional calligraphic hands from history and how to write them): A collection of traditional calligraphic hands from history and how to write them Laura Lavender4.3
Little Concepts: A is for Apricat: Learn Your ABCs with These Deliciously Adorable Food & Critter Mash-Ups! Mauro Gatti5
Vagus Nerve Unlocked: Guide to Unleashing Your Self-Healing Ability and Achieving Freedom from Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Trauma, Inflammation and Autoimmunity Mark Evans4.4
Nature Painting in Watercolor: Learn to paint florals, ferns, trees, and more in colorful, contemporary watercolor Kristine A. Lombardi5
Calming Your Anxious Mind: How Mindfulness and Compassion Can Free You from Anxiety, Fear, and Panic Jeffrey Brantley, MD3.6
الحب هو الامان: من أجل العلم و المعرفة و من اجل التنمية البشرية و تطوير الذات و الثقة بالنفس و العلوم الانسانية و التعليم الذاتي و علوم الطافة وعلم النفس و حب الذات علي الخليفي
Then Comes Baby: An Honest Conversation about Birth, Postpartum, and the Complex Transition to Parenthood Jessica Vernon, MD
Compulsive Spending Masks Emotions: Understanding the Connection Between Spending Addiction and Seeking Happiness amid Emotional Challenges Laura Szekely
The Magic in the Tragic: Rewriting the Script on Grief and Discovering Happiness in Our Darkest Days John Tsilimparis
Overcome Anxiety: Rewire Your Brain Using Neuroscience & Therapy Techniques to Overcome Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Panic Attacks, Worry, and Shyness: In Social Meetings, Relationships, at Work, and More Lilly Andrew3.7
Overcome Anxiety in Relationships: How to Eliminate Negative Thinking, Jealousy, Attachment, and Couple Conflicts—Insecurity and Fear of Abandonment Often Cause Irreparable Damage Without Therapy Lilly Andrew3.3
Anxiety in Relationships & Overcome Anxiety: How to Eliminate Negative Thinking, Jealousy, Attachment and Couple Conflicts. Overcome Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Panic attacks, Worry, and Shyness. Lilly Andrew4
STOP Procrastinating: Complete Guide to Overcome Procrastination, Build Self-Discipline, Increase Productivity and Overcome Laziness Ludwig Ward5