"Heartbreak House" by George Bernard Shaw is a captivating and satirical play that explores the state of British society on the brink of World War I. Set in the idyllic country estate of Captain Shotover, the play introduces audiences to a cast of eccentric characters, each representing different aspects of society and human nature. The plot revolves around the visit of Ellie Dunn, a young woman who is invited to Heartbreak House by Hesione Hushabye, an unconventional and vivacious woman married to Hector Hushabye, Captain Shotover's son. As the play unfolds, Ellie finds herself entangled in a web of romantic entanglements and family secrets, mirroring the chaotic state of the world outside the idyllic estate.
© 2018 Interactive Media (อีบุ๊ก ): 9781787247772
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