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"Fairy Tales for Adults" presents a collection of enchanting stories that go beyond the realm of traditional children's fairy tales. These narratives, crafted by literary masters Anton Chekhov and Oscar Wilde, offer a rich tapestry of strong characters, thought-provoking themes, and profound insights into the mysteries of the soul. Within these tales lie timeless truths that have endured for centuries, captivating readers with their universal appeal and offering both enjoyment and enlightenment. In "Anyuta" by Anton Chekhov, the story revolves around the eponymous character, a young woman living in poverty. As the narrative unfolds, Chekhov explores the complexities of human relationships, societal expectations, and the sacrifices one makes for love. "Anyuta" offers a poignant exploration of the human condition and the resilience of the human spirit. "The Devoted Friend" by Oscar Wilde delves into the dynamics of friendship and the harsh realities of self-interest. The tale follows the relationship between a kind-hearted linnet and a self-centered miller, highlighting themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the true nature of altruism. Through vivid storytelling, Wilde delivers a powerful moral message about the complexities of human nature. This volume includes the following stories and tales: Anyta by Anton Chekhov, The Devoted Friend by Oscar Wilde, Polinka by Anton Chekhov, The Sphinx Without a Secret by Oscar Wilde.
© 2016 Interactive Media (หนังสือเสียง
): 9781911144960
© 2016 Interactive Media (อีบุ๊ก
): 9781911144977
: 15 มกราคม 2559
: 15 มกราคม 2559
กว่า 500 000 รายการ
Kids Mode (เนื้อหาที่ปลอดภัยสำหรับเด็ก)