Sea stories

  1. Summary of The Kitchen House: by Kathleen Grissom | Includes Analysis: by Kathleen Grissom | Includes Analysis IRB Media
  2. The Leviathan's Heir: A Crown of Bone and Blood Russell Vaughn
  3. Lord Jim Joseph Conrad
  4. Stories Of Ships & The Sea: “And at the instant he knew, he ceased to know.” Jack London
  5. Gothic Tales Of Terror - Volume 9: A classic collection of Gothic stories. In this volume we have Nesbit, Conrad, Poe & Kipling
  6. South Sea Tales: "I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them." Jack London
  7. The Femme Fatales Of Horror - Volume 3: Scary stories of suspense, mystery, ghosts and more all by women authors Amelia Edwards
  8. Lord Jim: "You shall judge of a man by his foes as well as by his friends." Joseph Conrad
  9. Gothic Tales Of Terror - Volume 10: A classic collection of Gothic stories. In this volume we have Kipling, Poe & Shelley
  10. Involution Ocean Bruce Sterling
  11. Kings and Emperors Dewey Lambdin
  12. Flamboiement dans la Brume: L'amour résonne à travers le temps T.M. Park
  13. ألف ليلة وليلة: جزء 4 مجموعة
  14. A Hard, Cruel Shore Dewey Lambdin
  15. A Fine Retribution Dewey Lambdin
  16. A General History of the Pyrates: From Their First Rise and Settlement in the Island of Providence, to the Present Time Daniel Defoe
  17. Goliath Steve Alten
  18. Bittere bloemen Jeroen Brouwers
  19. An Onshore Storm Dewey Lambdin
  20. De orde van de raaf Klaus Teuber
  21. Robert Crews: A Novel Thomas Berger
  22. Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe
  23. Shanghaied David Paul Collins
  24. A Lesser Antagonist Martin Hicks
  25. SMS Emden 22/09/1914 Dhivakar
  26. Captiva Breeze Ed Robinson
  27. Abaco Breeze Ed Robinson
  28. Tortuga Breeze Ed Robinson
  29. Flackern im Nebel: Liebe, die durch die Zeit hallt T.M. Park
  30. Kynathis: The Lumina’s Light Melinda Krause
  31. The Lamplighters: Lose yourself in the mesmerising Sunday Times bestselling mystery Emma Stonex
  32. The Five Thousand Currents: A Spiraling Quest for the Ocean's Lock Kristina Vaughn
  33. Martin Behaim, Seefahrer und Sternenrechner Norbert Jacques
  34. The Sapphire Canopy: A Pelagia Novel Katherine Holloway
  35. The Saltbone Archipelago: Cursed Tides, Singing Coral, and the Secrets of Sunken Monarchs Shannon Black
  36. The Song of the Abyssal Choir: A Symphony of Light and Shadow Alexandra Gillespie
  37. البحار مندي صالح مرسي
  38. Much Ado About Lewrie Dewey Lambdin
  39. Celeste era il mare Sabrina Grementieri
  40. The Astrolabe Accord: A Steampunk Odyssey Across the Celestial Seas Adrian Steele
  41. The Brass Leviathan: Avani's Depth Andrea Calhoun
  42. Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard Joseph Conrad
  43. Крабы-убийцы Гай Н. Смит
  44. The Chromium Tides: A Song of Salvage and Ruin Evan Harrington
  45. Flickeo nella nebbia: Amante che riverbera nel tempo T.M. Park
  46. Il Corsaro Nero: Introduzione di Carla Fiorentino Emilio Salgari
  47. Kapitän Blut & Der Seefalke: Zwei Piratenromane (Ausgabe in neuer Übersetzung und Rechtschreibung) Rafael Sabatini
  48. South Sea Tales Jack London
  49. Der Schwarze Schwan: Historischer Piratenroman (Ausgabe in neuer Übersetzung und Rechtschreibung) Rafael Sabatini
  50. 안개 속의 섬광: 시간을 뛰어넘어 울려 퍼지는 사랑 T.M. 공원