12 Recensioner


6T 8min

Fantasy & SciFi

12 Recensioner


6T 8min

Fantasy & SciFi

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Cover for The Stalking Dead [Dramatized Adaptation]: Gang of Ghouls 1
Cover for The Stalking Dead [Dramatized Adaptation]: Gang of Ghouls 1

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  • Linda's

    20 maj 2024

    Book 1. I rolled my eyes and shook my head so many times during this one I might have given myself whiplash. I know you shouldn't be thinking in terms of being realistic in an urban fantasy novel but come on. The ghoul gang, a possessive mob killing and assaulting people left and right in a tiny town are just completely over the top. The level of bullying is absurd, the FMC not pressing charges or at least alerting the student board - even after being kidnapped and shoved down a set of stairs - give me a break. And the singing during sex? Lord have mercy, the stupidity is strong with this one.But still. Within the stupidity are some intriguing aspects. I like the connection to the marsh and I want to know what exactly happened when she was 13. I also don't like quitting on a cliff hanger. But can I put up with the nonsense surrounding the interesting bits? Don't know yet. For the time being I will put some space between me and The Frog Whisperer and her gang of nutters.