Sherlock Holmes and the Rune Stone Mystery: A Minnesota Mystery Featuring Shadwell Rafferty Larry Millett3.8
Woden's Spear: Discover a BRAND NEW epic, Dark Age adventure series from Donovan Cook for 2025 Donovan Cook4.5
Enemies of the Crown: A BRAND NEW instalment in the action-packed historical adventure series from award-winner Peter Gibbons Peter Gibbons
Enemies of the Crown: A BRAND NEW instalment in the action-packed historical adventure series from award-winner Peter Gibbons Peter Gibbons
Badass Braids: 45 Maverick Braids, Buns, and Twists Inspired by Vikings, Game of Thrones, and More Shannon Burns3.2
Medicine, Morality, and Political Culture: Legislation on venereal disease in five Northern European countries, c. 1870 - c. 1995 Ida Blom
More than Mythology: Narratives, Ritual Practices and Regional Distribution in pre-Christian Scandinavian Religions
National Relations: Public diplomacy, national identity and the Swedish Institute 1945-1970 Nikolas Glover
Political Change and the Rise of Labour in Comparative Perspective: Britain and Sweden 1890-1920 Mary Hilson
Flattering alliances : Scandinavia, diplomacy and the Austrian-French balance of power 1648-1740 Peter Lindström