1. Historia Żydów. Okres Wschodni: Żydzi, Izrael i Palestyna w starożytności Szymon Dubnow
  2. The Happiest Man on Earth: The Beautiful Life of an Auschwitz Survivor Eddie Jaku
  3. Mendel Gdański Maria Konopnicka
  4. Anne Frank– The Diary of a Young Girl Anne Frank
  5. The Artisan Jewish Deli at Home Nick Zukin
  6. Jewish Cookery Book: On Principles of Economy Esther Levy
  7. Jewish Cookery Book: On Principles of Economy Esther Levy
  8. The Marriage of Opposites: by Alice Hoffman | Summary & Analysis IRB Media
  9. The Hidden Pope: The Untold Story of a Lifelong Friendship That Changed the Relationship Between Catholics and Jews Darcy O'Brien
  10. Authority and Dissent in Jewish Life
  11. The Red Magician Lisa Goldstein
  12. Charlotte Salomon Paints Her Life: A Novel Pamela Reitman
  13. Ghosts of a Holy War: The 1929 Massacre in Palestine that Ignited the Arab-Israeli Conflict Yardena Schwartz
  14. The Anatomy of Exile: A Novel Zeeva Bukai
  15. The Dressmaker's Mirror: Sudden Death, Genetics, and a Jewish Family's Secret Susan Weiss Liebman
  16. Judas Amos Oz
  17. How to Be a Refugee: The gripping true story of how one family hid their Jewish origins to survive the Nazis Simon May
  18. Play it Again, Sam: The Notable Life of Sam Massell, Atlanta’s First Minority Mayor Charles McNair
  19. Illusions of Love: A Novel Cynthia Freeman
  20. A World Full of Strangers: A Saga of Love & Retribution Cynthia Freeman
  21. The Willow Tree: A Novel Hubert Selby
  22. Always and Forever: A Novel Cynthia Freeman
  23. To Look Upon The Sun Shannon St. Hilaire
  24. Room for One More Monique Polak
  25. Judah the Pious: A Novel Francine Prose
  26. Rambam - The Story of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon Rochel Yaffe
  27. Ninette's War John Jay
  28. Summary of Barbara Winton’s One Life IRB Media
  29. Woman of Stones: A Novella Meredith Allard
  30. Forbidden: A 3,000-Year History of Jews and the Pig Jordan D. Rosenblum
  31. You, Fascinating You Germaine W. Shames
  32. The Story of Anne Frank: An Inspiring Biography for Young Readers Emma Carlson Berne
  33. World War II History for Teens: Understanding the Major Battles, Military Strategy, and Arc of War Benjamin Mack-Jackson
  34. The Essential Jewish Baking Cookbook: 50 Traditional Recipes for Every Occasion Beth A. Lee
  35. The Children's Train: Escape on the Kindertransport Jana Zinser
  36. The Jews: 5,000 Years and Counting Rob Kutner
  37. The Girl Bandits of the Warsaw Ghetto: The True Story of Five Courageous Young Women Who Sparked an Uprising Elizabeth R. Hyman
  38. The Price of Life:: A Holocaust Story of a Jewish Boy Abram Molodetsky
  39. Why I had to leave the Ukraine behind Oscar Felix
  40. Forest Walk on a Friday: Essays on Home, Love and Finding My Voice at Midlife Lynne Golodner
  41. Jacobo's Rainbow David Hirshberg
  42. The Holocaust: The Systematic Genocide and Its Impact on World History Sage Winters
  43. Everyday Jews: Why The Jewish People Are Not Who You Think They Are: Why The Jewish People Are Not Who You Think They Are Keith Kahn-Harris
  44. Between Two Worlds: Jewish War Brides after the Holocaust Robin Judd
  45. WW2 Atrocities: Unspeakable Horrors That Shattered Civilization (2 Titles) Sage Winters
  46. Wandering Jews: Global Jewish Migration
  47. Saying No to Hate: Overcoming Antisemitism in America Norman H. Finklestein
  48. Soul Sing: Singing Torah for Healing and Health Debra Cohen
  49. The Last Letter: A Father's Struggle, a Daughter's Quest, and the Long Shadow of the Holocaust Karen Baum Gordon
  50. Hazzan Mordecai Gustav Heiser: An Artist, His Art, and the Cantor Tradition in America Gilya Gerda Schmidt