1. Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Woman Renee Engeln
  2. Our Evenings: The Instant Sunday Times Bestseller Alan Hollinghurst
  3. All About Love: New Visions bell hooks
  4. Feminine Consciousness, Archetypes and Addiction to Perfection Marion Woodman
  5. This Winter Alice Oseman
  6. The Real Woo: Seeing Beyond Identity Lisa Morgan
  7. The Fortunate Foundlings Eliza Haywood
  8. The Romantic Ideal—The Highest Standard of Romance for a Man: A Hopeless Romantic's Exploration of Masculine Intimacy, Sex, and Love Gregory V. Diehl
  9. Andrea Dworkin: The Feminist as Revolutionary Martin Duberman
  10. Wild Women: Crusaders, Curmudgeons, and Completely Corsetless Ladies in the Otherwise Virtuous Victorian Era (Feminist gift) Autumn Stephens
  11. Transform Your Sex Life: Uncover Shocking Secrets for Pleasure Arden Rookwood
  12. One Soul We Divided: A Critical Edition of the Diary of Michael Field Michael Field
  13. Global Justice in the COVID Era Dayaananda Guha
  14. Pandemics and Human Safety Dayaananda Guha
  15. The Proof Is in the Dough: Rural Southern Women, Extension, and Making Money Kathryn L. Beasley
  16. Challenging Casanova: Beyond the Stereotype of the Promiscuous Young Male Andrew P. Smiler
  17. An Emotion of Great Delight Tahereh Mafi
  18. The Dad Rock That Made Me A Woman Niko Stratis
  19. Why I Believe in Scouting for Girls Mary Roberts Rinehart
  20. Motherhood and Childhood in Silvina Ocampo’s Works Fernanda Zullo-Ruiz
  21. Exploring Gender in Vernacular Architecture Jessica Ellen Sewell
  22. Thrive Women: Unleash Your Hidden Power: "Awaken your strengths with 'Thrive Women'—powerful audio lessons crafted to ignite your inner drive!"Solomon Wrecker Solomon Wrecker
  23. Trans*: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variability Jack Halberstam
  24. Sexism: The Persistent Struggle for Gender Equality Across the World Marcus Kline
  25. Violence against Women: What Everyone Needs to Know Jacqui True
  26. Gender: What Everyone Needs to Know Benjamin Davis
  27. THE LAWYER'S DESK: Let's keep it moving by the law Kiiza Smith
  28. Mouths of Rain: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Thought
  29. The Shocking Truth about Gender Equality Zoey Fraisers
  30. Become Ungovernable: An Abolition Feminist Ethic for Democratic Living H.L.T. Quan
  31. The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction Justine Larbalestier
  32. Women and Economics Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
  33. The Manager Mom Epidemic: How Moms Got Stuck Doing Everything for Their Families and What They Can Do About It Thomas W. Phelan, Ph.D
  34. Girls In Dark Johny Takkedasila
  35. The Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs Knowlson, T. Sharper
  36. The Man Made World, or, Our Androcentric Culture Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
  37. De economische toestand der vrouw Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
  38. Rape: The Politics of Consciousness Susan Griffin
  39. Of Men and Women: How to Be for Each Other Pearl S. Buck
  40. The Evolution of Love Emil Lucka
  41. His Brain, Her Brain Scientific American
  42. Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, and the Condition of Woman: Challenging Gender Norms: A Revolutionary Perspective on Women's Rights Sarah Moore Grimké
  43. The early history of the property of married women: Unveiling the Legal Evolution of Women's Property Rights in Marriage Henry James Sumner Maine
  44. The Legal Subjection of Men: Challenging Gender Norms in the Victorian Legal System E. Belfort Bax
  45. Essays E. Lynn Linton
  46. Breaking the Gender Code Danielle Dobson
  47. Feminism and The Future of Women Estelle Freedman
  48. Raising Feminist Boys: How to Talk with Your Child About Gender, Consent, and Empathy Bobbi Wegner, PsyD
  49. The Motherlode: 100+ Women Who Made Hip-Hop Clover Hope
  50. The Fortunate Foundlings Eliza Haywood