1. Typewriter Rodeo: Real People, Real Stories, Custom Poems Kari Anne Holt
  2. Not Yet Christmas: It's Time for Advent J.D. Walt
  3. Poetry of the Civil War John Boyes
  4. Favourite Poems George Davidson
  5. The Charge Of The Light Brigade: and The Last of the Light Brigade Rudyard Kipling
  6. War Poems: An Anthology of Unforgettable Verse Brian Busby
  7. Poems that Will Save Your Life John Boyes
  8. Father's Day Poetry: The perfect Fathers day gift Jane Austen
  9. In Flanders Fields Brian Busby
  10. Cricket, A Sport In Verse Lord Byron
  11. Imagist Poets - Volume 2: Early 20th Century Anglo-American literature movement that was a precursor to modernism D.H. Lawrence
  12. Best-Loved Poems John Boyes
  13. Nonsense Verse Lewis Carroll
  14. The Poetry Of Dogs: Some of histories greatest poets give us fascinating insights on mans best friend. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  15. Poems Of The American Patriot: “One flag, one land, one heart, one hand, one nation evermore!” Edith Wharton
  16. The Poetry Of Australia Various Artists
  17. The Treasury of Romantic Poetry William Wordsworth
  18. Imagist Poets - Volume 1: Early 20th Century Anglo-American literature movement that was a precursor to modernism D.H. Lawrence
  19. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Omar Khayyam
  20. The Great Poems by African American Writers: Selections from Phillis Wheatley, Langston Hughes, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Countee Cullen and many others James Weldon Johnson
  21. The Poetry of Sex Ovid
  22. Poems to Find Inner Peace William Wordsworth
  23. The Poetry of Food & Drink William Shakespeare
  24. Power of Poetry - Dealing with Death W B Yeats
  25. 50 Poems to Read at Weddings W B Yeats
  26. The Skrews Poetry Syndication, Issue 002: 2020
  27. 101 Great American Poems: To My Dear and Loving Husband, The Planting of the Apple-Tree, Concord Hymn, The Arrow and the Song, Alone, Annabel Lee and others Edgar Allan Poe
  28. By Broad Potomac's Shore: Great Poems from the Early Days of Our Nation's Capital
  29. Fierce Salvage: A Queer Words Anthology
  30. While the Earth Sleeps We Travel: Stories, Poetry, and Art from Young Refugees Around the World Ahmed M. Badr
  31. Pocket Posh 100 Classic Love Poems Jennifer Fox
  32. Loss-iLahleko (A National Choreopoem): The Audio Experience Qhali
  33. The Best of the Playwrights: Tragedies and Comedies by the Masters: Medea by Euripides; Antigone by Sophocles; The Oresteia by Aeschylus; Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth by Shakespeare; A Doll's House by Ibsen; Uncle Vanya by Chekhov; Pygmalion by Shaw and others Anton Chekhov
  34. H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction H.P. Lovecraft
  35. The Wesleyan Tradition: Four Decades of American Poetry
  36. Heliopause Heather Christle
  37. Bright Felon: Autobiography and Cities Kazim Ali
  38. There Are Three: Poems Donald Revell
  39. BAX 2016
  40. Selected Poetry of the First World War
  41. The Bethlehem Carols - 150+ Christmas Carols, Songs & Poems for the Holy Night Rudyard Kipling
  42. Essential Bukowski: Poetry Charles Bukowski
  43. A Memorial of John Boyle O'Reilly from the City of Boston: Honoring a Literary Legacy in the Heart of Boston City of Boston
  44. Poems of Joy and Celebration Various authors
  45. Poems of Life and Death Various authors
  46. Poems of Love and Friendship Various authors
  47. The Greatest Christmas Carols & Poems: 150+ Holiday Songs, Poetry & Rhymes Rudyard Kipling
  48. English Verse: The Best of the Twentieth Century
  49. A Journey To The End Of The Millennium: A Novel of the Middle Ages A.B. Yehoshua
  50. The Prophet Kahlil Gibran