Tierversuche in der Forschung: Herausforderungen und Chancen: Die Güterabwägung und das „unerlässliche Mass“ – Aus rechtlicher, biomedizinischer, regulatorischer und klinischer Sicht – Tagungsband 2024Christian Baumann
AT 1, Ad hoc, L-QIF, ESG, Insider, etc.: im Reich der guten und der bösen Akronyme und Abkürzungen: Kapitalmarkt – Recht und Transaktionen XIX – Tagungsband 2023Thomas U. Reutter
Ideation, Conceptualization, Realization: Discovering the Creative Scope in Software Engineering from the Perspective of Copyright and Patent LawSarah Leins-Zurmuehle
Current Challenges of European Integration: 12th Network Europe Conference, 9 – 10 November 2020Andreas Kellerhals
Challenges, risks and threats for security in Europe: 11th Network Europe Conference Warsaw 19th - 22nd May 2019Andreas Kellerhals
Intellectual Property is Common Property: Arguments for the abolition of private intellectual property rightsAndreas Von Gunten
Guidelines for Inter-Religious Dialogue: Practical suggestions for successful interfaith dialogueRifa’at Lenzin
Education For All: Ten years of open education luminaries from around the world: In celebration of Open Education Global’s 10th Anniversary of Open Education Awards for ExcellenceMarcela Morales
The Implementation of Free, Prior and Informed Consent and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: An Analysis of the Regulatory Framework and OECD National Contact Point CasesFanny Pulver
Rethinking Reserves in the Swiss Code of Obligations: with special regard to Reserves based on the Articles of AssociationYvette Märki
Taming the algorithm: The right not to be subject to an automated decision in the General Data Protection RegulationPaweł Kuch
A wonderful world: Neue Möglichkeiten, neues Recht, neue Herausforderungen: 8. Tagung zu Private Equity - Tagungsband 2022Dieter Gericke
European Integration Perspectives in Times of Global Crises: 13th Network Europe Conference, Athens, 19 – 22 June 2022Andreas Kellerhals
Killer Acquisitions in Digital Markets: An Analysis of the EU Merger Control RegimeGiulia Sonderegger
The Eurosystem’s Monetary Policy at 25 (1999-2023): Legal Aspects of the Single Monetary Policy in the Euro Area – From the Establishment of the Eurosystem to the Current Inflation CrisisChristos V. Gortsos
EU Enlargement and European Integration: Challenges and Perspectives: 14th Network Europe Conference - Stockholm, 25–26 September 2023Andreas Kellerhals
Regulation and Supervision of Bank Senior Management in Light of Prudential Corporate Governance: Analysis of the Swiss Framework including Perspectives from British and Dutch LawKimberley S. Rothwell
Private Equity in einer Welt von Unsicherheiten und Opportunitäten: 9. Tagung zu Private Equity – Tagungsband 2024Dieter Gericke