Skończ to, co zacząłeś. Sztuka samodyscypliny, czyli jak zabrać się do pracy i doprowadzić ją do końcaPeter Hollins4.7
Ucz się jak Einstein. Jak zapamiętywać więcej, czytać szybciej i z łatwością zdobywać nowe umiejętnościPeter Hollins3.8
Błyskawiczne przyswajanie umiejętności. Naukowe metody zapamiętywania i doskonalenia wiedzyPeter Hollins4.2
Sztuka samodzielnej nauki. Jak zdobyć dowolną umiejętność w krótszym czasie i jak pokierować własną edukacjąPeter Hollins4.3
Rapid Knowledge Acquisition & Synthesis: How to Quickly Learn, Comprehend, Apply, and Master New Information and SkillsPeter Hollins
Philosophies on Self-Discipline: Lessons from History’s Greatest Thinkers on How to Start, Endure, Finish, & AchievePeter Hollins
Learn Like a Polymath: How to Teach Yourself Anything, Develop Multidisciplinary Expertise, and Become IrreplaceablePeter Hollins
Psychological Triggers: Human Nature, Irrationality, and Why We Do What We Do. The Hidden Influences Behind Our Actions, Thoughts, and Behaviors. 2nd EditionPeter Hollins
Neuro-Habits: Rewire Your Brain to Stop Self-Defeating Behaviors and Make the Right Choice Every TimePeter Hollins2
30 Days to Self-Discipline: A Blueprint to Bust Laziness, Escape the Couch, Become a Machine, and Accomplish Your Every GoalPeter Hollins5
How to Teach Anything: Break Down Complex Topics and Explain with Clarity, While Keeping Engagement and MotivationPeter Hollins5
Super Learning: Advanced Strategies for Quicker Comprehension, Greater Retention, and Systematic ExpertisePeter Hollins
Think Like a Genius: How to Go Outside the Box, Analyze Deeply, Creatively Solve Problems, and InnovatePeter Hollins
How to Teach Kids Anything: Create Hungry Learners Who Can Remember, Synthesize, and Apply KnowledgePeter Hollins
Brain Blunders: Uncover Everyday Illusions and Fallacies, Defeat Your Flawed Thinking Habits, And Think SmarterPeter Hollins
Think Like Einstein: Think Smarter, Creatively Solve Problems, and Sharpen Your Judgment. How to Develop a Logical Approach to Life and Ask the Right QuestionsPeter Hollins4.3
The Science of Introverts (And Extroverts and Everyone In-Between): Master Your Personality, Amplify Your Strengths, Understand People, and Make More FriendsPeter Hollins1.5
The Art of Strategic Decision-Making: How to Make Tough Decisions Quickly, Intelligently, and SafelyPeter Hollins
The Power of Self-Discipline: 5-Minute Exercises to Build Self-Control, Good Habits, and Keep Going When You Want to Give UpPeter Hollins5
30 modeli mentalnych. Ścieżka prowadząca do podejmowania najlepszych decyzji i szybkiego rozwiązywania trudnych problemówPeter Hollins4.6
Have More Energy: A Blueprint for Productivity, Focus, and Self-Discipline—for the Perpetually Tired and LazyPeter Hollins4
ACE Your Exams, Tests, & Quizzes: 34 Test-Taking Strategies for Top Grades, Time Efficiency, Less Stress, and Academic ExcellencePeter Hollins
Super Brain: Strategies to Upgrade Your Brain, Unlock Your Potential, Perform at Your Peak, and Achieve AnythingPeter Hollins5
Build Rapid Expertise: How to Learn Faster, Acquire Knowledge More Thoroughly, Comprehend Deeper, and Reach a World-Class Level (3rd Ed.)Peter Hollins
The Self-Discipline Manual: How to Achieve Every Goal You Set Using Willpower, Self-Control, and Mental ToughnessPeter Hollins
How to Suffer Well: Timeless Knowledge on Dealing with Hardship and Becoming Anguish-ProofPeter Hollins4
The Brain Mechanic: How to Optimize Your Brain for Peak Mental Performance, Neurogrowth, and Cognitive FitnessPeter Hollins
The Lifelong Learner: How to Develop Yourself, Continually Grow, Expand Your Horizons, and Pursue AnythingPeter Hollins
Think Less; Do More: Create An Action Bias, Stop Overthinking, and Learn How to Actually Change Your LifePeter Hollins
Learn like Einstein: How to Train Your Brain, Develop Expertise, Learn More in Less Time, and Become a Human SpongePeter Hollins4
Mistrz efektywnej nauki. Zaawansowane metody przyswajania wiedzy i doskonalenia umiejętnościPeter Hollins4.2
Richard Feynman’s Mental Models: How to Think, Learn, and Problem-Solve Like a Nobel Prize-Winning PolymathPeter Hollins5
Genius Thinking: Lessons From History’s Greatest Minds on Innovation, Creativity, and IntelligencePeter Hollins
How To Do Things You Hate: Self-Discipline to Suffer Less, Embrace the Suck, and Achieve AnythingPeter Hollins3
Become a Studying and Learning Machine: Strategies For the Top of the Class, Promotions, and Smashing Your GoalsPeter Hollins
Philosopher’s Mental Models: How to Think Like Lao Tzu, Descartes, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Plato, and MorePeter Hollins
The Science of Introverts: Explore the Personality Spectrum for Self-Discovery, Self-Awareness, & Self-Care. Design a Life That Fits.Peter Hollins
The Science of Self-Learning: How to Teach Yourself Anything, Learn More in Less Time, and Direct Your Own EducationPeter Hollins4.3
Brain Blunders: Uncover Everyday Illusions and Fallacies, Defeat Your Flawed Thinking Habits, And Think Smarter (Or Just Less Stupidly)Peter Hollins