Fearful Avoidant Attachment: Understanding and Loving a Partner who Constantly Blows Hot & Cold and Building Trust and Emotional IntimacyJanis Bryans Psy.D3.8
Stop People Pleasing: Break Free of Approval Addiction, Stop Always Saying Yes, Set Healthy Boundaries and Rediscover the Authentic Version of YourselfJanis Bryans Psy.D4.3
Dismissive Avoidant Attachment: Understanding and Loving an Emotionally Distant Partner, Meeting your Needs and Nurturing ClosenessJanis Bryans Psy.D3.7
Healthy Boundaries: How to Communicate Your Needs, Stop Pleasing People at Your Expense, Start Saying No and Express Yourself Without Feeling GuiltyJanis Bryans Psy.D4
Avoidant Attachment: 2 Books in 1: How to Cope with a Dismissive or Fearful Partner, Deepen Emotional Intimacy and Strengthen Your BondJanis Bryans Psy.D3.7
Gaslighting: Defend Yourself from The Destructive Effects of Emotional Abuse, Avoid Falling into The Narcissist’s Trap and Find PeaceJanis Bryans Psy.D3.5
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: Understand, Accept and Find Peace After Psychological and Emotional Abuse - Includes 20 Phrases to Disarm a NarcissistJanis Bryans3
Confidence and Assertiveness Skills for Women: A life Changing Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt, Setting Healthy Boundaries and Embracing Your True SelfJanis Bryans
Healing from Infidelity: What to do when your loved one cheats on you. 17 tips you need to know before you decide to stay in, or leave a relationshipJanis Bryans
Couple Therapy Workbook: What a Husband and Wife Need to Do to Fix Their Marriage. Resolve Conflicts and Build Deep Connections Before Your Relationship Falls ApartJanis Bryans
Self-Confidence Strategies for Women: Practical Tools to Boost Self-Esteem, Face Your Fears, and Become a Leader through Chinese WisdomJanis Bryans5