1. The Bad Popes E.R. Chamberlin
  2. A Catholic Pilgrimage through American History: People and Places that Shaped the Church in the United States Kevin Schmiesing
  3. As muralhas vão cair Padre Reginaldo Manzotti
  4. Juan Pablo II - La huella Philippe Olivier
  5. Evangelii Gaudium: On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World Pope Francis
  6. The Catholic Church: A Short History Hans Kung
  7. MIRIAM Charo Porto Llovo
  8. The Practice of the Presence of God Brother Lawrence
  9. SANTO ROSARIO Fidem Dei
  10. Heaven or Heresy: A History of the Inquisition Thomas F. Madden
  11. The Life of Christ in the Mass Saint Vincent Ferrer, O.P.
  12. Brucker Leben nach dem Tod Erwin Brucker
  13. Saint Faustina Kowalska: A Life Inspired Wyatt North
  14. Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary Bob Lord
  15. The Catholic Church in the Modern Age Thomas F. Madden
  16. Advent & Christmas: Prayer for the Journey Christopher Walker
  17. Hoop: De autobiografie Paus Franciscus
  18. Der Name der Rose von Umberto Eco (Lektürehilfe): Detaillierte Zusammenfassung, Personenanalyse und Interpretation Nathalie Roland
  19. My Burden Is Light: Suffering and Consolation in the Christian Life Saint John of Avila
  20. 8. Psicología y Sociología del Satanismo: Libro 8 de 27 HUGO RAMON ZAMORANO SANCHEZ
  21. The Puritans: History of the English Protestants Who Tried to Purify the Church of England Kelly Mass
  22. The Thirty Years’ War: The Most Destructive Religious War in European History Kelly Mass
  23. The Great Schism: How the Catholic Church Split up Kelly Mass
  24. Expositio Missae: The Mysteries of the Mass Explained Saint Bonaventure
  25. Sorge dich nicht: Wir kommen alle in den Himmel: Es gibt keine ewige Hölle Edi Maurer
  26. Pope John Paul II Bob Lord
  27. The Seven Sacraments Bob Lord
  28. Dios es amor, paquete 2 en 1 de religión católica. Pon a tu alma en libertad con la misericordia de Jesus de Nazaret, Dios y Hombre Verdadero. (Español/Spanish) San Alfonso Maria de Ligorio
  29. Saint John the Baptist Fr. Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem.
  30. Piety and Personality: The Temperaments of the Saints Rosemary McGuire Berry
  31. Devocionario para orar por los fieles difuntos Equipo Paulinas
  32. Can You Be a Catholic and a Feminist? Julie Hanlon Rubio
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  35. De la mano preparados Ciro Alfonso Duarte
  36. Seguir a Jesús sin volverte un marciano Fernando Merino
  37. Devocionario Mariano Equipo Paulinas
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  40. Das Goldene Buch: über die wahre Andacht zu Maria Ludwig Maria Grignion de Montfort
  41. The Apostle Paul: Christianity's Original Mystic Harvey D. Egan
  42. The Albigensian Crusade: The History and Legacy of the Catholic Campaign against the Cathars in France Charles River Editors
  43. Het hout Jeroen Brouwers
  44. The Mass is the Greatest Miracle Bob Lord
  45. Heroes Popes in Hard Times Bob Lord
  46. Pope Benedict XV Bob Lord
  47. Pope Francis and the Transformation of Healthcare Ethics Todd A. Salzman
  48. A Month of Prayer with St. Catherine of Siena Wyatt North
  49. God Wills It!: Understanding the Crusades Thomas F. Madden
  50. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Bob Lord