1. The Forbidden Knowledge of the Book of Enoch: The Watchers, Nephilim, Fallen Angels, and the End of the World Harold Roth
  2. Walking with God Through the Valley: Recovering the Purpose of Biblical Lament May Young
  3. Nehemiah: Restoring the Testimony of God Stephen Kaung
  4. The Divine Comedy of the First Jewish Messiah: Is the Story of David, Saul, Doeg Ahimelech Intentionally Funny? Antony Hylton
  5. Living Life Backward: How Ecclesiastes Teaches Us to Live in Light of the End David Gibson
  6. The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Truth Behind the Mystique Lawrence Schiffman
  7. The Hebrew Bible Lawrence Schiffman
  8. Judaism, Christianity and Islam: The Monotheists Frank Peters
  9. Детская Библия в изложении Княгини Львовой Коллектив авторов
  10. Halleluyah the Last Restoration?: Rabbi Nachman of Bratzlav, Ruth Heflin and the Vision of Mount Zion Antony Hylton
  11. Ariel ja hämähäkkinainen Harri Nykänen
  12. Ariel: jännitysromaani Harri Nykänen
  13. The Art of Happiness, Peace & Purpose: Manifesting Magic Complete Box Set Craig Beck
  15. Det sanna livet Göran Tunström
  16. Restless: Audio Bible Studies: Because You Were Made for More Jennie Allen
  17. Anthologie de la Poésie Arabe (des origines à nos jours): Les plus grands poètes arabes traduits en Francais et interprétés par David Serero David Serero
  18. Jewish Way to a Good Life: Find Happiness, Build Community, and Embrace Lovingkindness Rabbi Shira Stutman
  19. Twelve Extraordinary Women: How God Shaped Women of the Bible, and What He Wants to Do with You John F. MacArthur
  20. Jesus on Every Page 10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Chirst in the Old Testament: 10 Simple Ways to Seek and Find Christ in the Old Testament David Murray
  21. Psychic Empath: A Guide to Developing Psychic Empath Abilities and Enhancing Your Life through Telepathy, Aura Reading, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Healing, and Self-Compassion Taylor G. Stevens
  22. The Missing Jew: Poems 1976-2022 Rodger Kamenetz
  23. There is No Place Without You: poems Maya Bernstein
  24. Sista vittnet Leif Silbersky
  25. Straffspark Leif Silbersky
  26. Dödens barn Leif Silbersky
  27. Dina dagar är räknade Leif Silbersky
  28. Narrspel Leif Silbersky
  29. Ont blod Leif Silbersky
  30. Villebrådet Leif Silbersky
  31. Villfarelsen Leif Silbersky
  32. På trods af forskelle og uenighed: En samtale mellem Özlem Cekic & Jair Melchior Özlem Cekic
  33. Auschwitz and The Allies: A Devastating Account of How the Allies Responded to the News of Hitler's Mass Murder Martin Gilbert
  34. Everyday Jews: Why The Jewish People Are Not Who You Think They Are: Why The Jewish People Are Not Who You Think They Are Keith Kahn-Harris
  35. Jewish Ethics: The Basics Geoffrey D. Claussen
  36. From Paradise to the Promised Land, 4th Edition T. Desmond Alexander
  37. Shylock, ikuinen Howard Jacobson
  38. Unorthodox - Näin hylkäsin hasidijuutalaiset juureni Deborah Feldman
  39. The Power of Faith: Understanding the Books of Ruth and Esther: How two ordinary women overcame adversity and danger to become history makers Kameel Majdali
  40. Cábala, astrología y tarot para principiantes: Descubra el antiguo misticismo judío, los signos del zodíaco, la lectura de la carta natal, la adivinación, la numerología y el desarrollo psíquico Mari Silva
  41. Het beloofde leven Femmetje de Wind
  42. Walking the Way of the Wise: A Biblical Theology of Wisdom (Essential Studies in Biblical Theology) Mitchell L. Chase
  43. Systrarna i Auschwitz Roxane van Iperen
  44. New Explorations in the Lost World of Genesis: Advances in the Origins Debate John H. Walton
  45. Lessons from a Job Season: God's Grace and Sovereignty in the Midst of Suffering Travis McShirley
  46. The Fifth Book of Moses, called Deuteronomy King James Bible
  47. The Fourth Book of Moses, called Numbers King James Bible
  48. The First Book of Moses, called Genesis King James Bible
  49. The Second Book of Moses, called Exodus King James Bible
  50. Le Jardin de la Foi: Guide pratique de la vie Rav Chalom Arouch