Sanando las relaciones de pareja: Qué tenemos que sanar para ser más felices con el otro Pablo Flores Laymuns4.7
A História do Universo para quem tem pressa: Do Big Bang às mais recentes descobertas da astronomia! Colin Stuart
Early Cosmological Thinkers: The First Philosophical Inquiries into the Cosmos and Natural Laws (2 in 1) Hector Davidson
Cosmic Queries: StarTalk’s Guide to Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We’re Going Neil deGrasse Tyson4.4
Seven Days that Divide the World, 10th Anniversary Edition: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science John C. Lennox4.8
If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens … Where Is Everybody?: Seventy-Five Solutions to the Fermi Paradox and the Problem of Extraterrestrial Life Stephen Webb4.2
Muchos mundos en uno: La busqueda de otros universos (The Search for Other Universes) Alex Vilenkin4.8
Anja C. Andersen fortæller om Big Bang, rummissioner og liv på Mars: En bog om universet for børn Anja C. Andersen4.2