1. City of Vengeance D. V. Bishop
  2. Иоанн Безземельный, Эдуард Третий и Ричард Второй глазами Шекспира Александра Маринина
  3. Генрих Четвертый и Генрих Пятый глазами Шекспира Александра Маринина
  4. Литература. Для тех, кто хочет все успеть Коллектив авторов
  5. Фениксы и сфинксы: дамы Ренессанса в поэзии, картинах и жизни Софья Багдасарова
  6. Подкаст "Искусство в лицах: контекст эпохи". Выпуск 6. Эпоха Возрождения Ирина Волкова
  7. Великие художники: избранные жизнеописания Джорджо Вазари
  8. Odyssey of the West IV: A Classic Education through the Great Books: Towards Enlightenment Timothy B. Shutt
  9. Байки об искусстве, прекрасных дамах и фееричных кражах: Комплект из 3 книг Софья Багдасарова
  10. Учимся писать статьи, доклады, рефераты. Практические советы и рекомендации: от выбора темы до публикации Надежда Потапова
  11. Unveiling the Divine Feminine: Botticelli’s Primavera and The Birth of Venus Angela Voss
  12. L'art de l'État : la politique par l’expérience Machiavel
  13. Pensées Blaise Pascal
  14. L'arte dissente: Scritti sull'estasi e la sfrontatezza Jeanette Winterson
  15. Literatura Brasileira: da tinta ao touch Yasmim Cardoso
  16. Princes of the Renaissance Mary Hollingsworth
  17. Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History with Focus on Diverse Cultures Haya Vent
  18. Gothic Art: The Evolution and Influence of Gothic Aesthetics Haya Vent
  19. Leonardo da Vinci – The Renaissance Genius and Visionary: The Untold Story of Leonardo’s Masterpieces, Scientific Inventions, and Boundless Curiosity Théophile Martin
  20. Historia de España Ferdinand Vilard
  21. The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in Art History from Prehistoric to the Present Haya Vent
  22. The Art of the Enlightenment: Exploring the Age of Reason and Artistic Innovation Haya Vent
  23. The Art of the Italian Renaissance: Masterpieces from a Transformative Era Haya Vent
  24. The Art of the Northern Renaissance: A Study of the Art from the Low Countries and Germany Haya Vent
  25. The Story of the Printing Press – How It Changed Civilization: The Invention That Sparked the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Modern World Zayn Anderson
  26. The History of Art: From the Renaissance to Modern Times Haya Vent
  27. The Art of the Renaissance in Florence: A Focus on the Cradle of Renaissance Art Haya Vent
  28. Тайные страсти Версаля. Людовик XIV и его фаворитки: обжигающая любовь Короля-Солнца, интриги черной королевы и судьба великой Франции Ольга Фомина
  29. The Story of Art: A Global History of Art from Ancient Times to the Present Haya Vent
  30. The Renaissance: Rebirth of Art and Culture in Europe Haya Vent
  31. El último Leonardo: Las vidas secretas del cuadro más caro del mundo Ben Lewis
  32. Classical to Renaissance: The Foundations of Western Art (3 in 1) Haya Vent
  33. Renaissance and Northern Art: Masterpieces of Humanism and Detail (3 in 1) Haya Vent
  34. Comprehensive Art Histories: From the Ancients to the Present (5 in 1) Haya Vent
  35. Medieval and Byzantine Art: Sacred Visions and Architectural Marvels (3 in 1) Haya Vent
  36. The Renaissance Saga: Unraveling Secrets of a World Transformed: "Elevate your listening experience with The Renaissance Saga: Unraveling Secrets and unlock a transformed world!" Barrett Winthrope
  37. Rosens navn Umberto Eco
  38. Virtue Politics: Soulcraft and Statecraft in Renaissance Italy James Hankins
  39. Леонардо да Винчи Вера Калмыкова
  40. Heksene og den perfekte hofmand Torben Bramming
  41. Tuscan Daughter: A Novel Lisa Rochon
  42. The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction Jerry Brotton
  43. American Literature Francis E. Skipp (Ph.D.)
  44. Rembrandt Is in the Wind: Learning to Love Art through the Eyes of Faith Russ Ramsey
  46. A Book Forged in Hell: Spinoza’s Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age Steven Nadler
  47. The Darkest Sin D. V. Bishop
  48. Ayn Rand Answers: The Best of Her Q&A Ayn Rand
  49. The Most Notorious Art Thefts of the 20th Century: The History and Legacy of Recent Attempts to Steal Valuable Artwork Charles River Editors
  50. Erik XIV Katarina Harrison Lindbergh