1. Jesus Listens for Christmas: 25 Prayers and Devotions for Kids Sarah Young
  2. Noah und das unglaublich große Boot Tim Thornborough
  3. Born to Be Brave: How to Be a Part of America's Spiritual Comeback Kirk Cameron
  4. Someday Turkey Someday Feathers Maureen O’Hara Ventimiglia
  5. A Place Called Heaven Devotional: 100 Days of Living in the Hope of Eternity Dr. Robert Jeffress
  6. Jesus Loves Me: Christian Essentials for the Head and the Heart John S. Dickerson
  7. Breaking the Miracle Barrier: Releasing God's Power for Breakthrough Jennifer LeClaire
  8. Praying with Our Feet: Pursuing Justice and Healing on the Streets Lindsey Krinks
  9. 10 Prayer Secrets: Supernatural Power for Your Breakthrough Hakeem Collins
  10. Becoming Brave: Finding the Courage to Pursue Racial Justice Now Brenda Salter McNeil
  11. La Historia De David y Goliat: Redención Oslos Molina
  12. La Oracion A Dios antes De Dormir: Redención Oslos Molina
  13. Los 10 Mandamientos De Dios: Redención Oslos Molina
  14. Romans: From Sin Management to Love Unleashed J.D. Walt
  15. Faith of Our Fathers, Vol. 2: Daily Devotional Collection from Inspired Christian Authors Made for Success
  16. God's Blessings of Christmas: Devotions and Bible Verses Celebrating the Savior's Birth Billy Graham
  17. Hope for Each Day: Words of Wisdom and Faith (A 365-Day Devotional) Billy Graham
  18. Daily Prayer Book for Boys: Collection of Prayers for Boys to Inspire Courage and Bravery with God FaithLabs
  19. 7 Days of Simplicity: A Season of Living Lightly Jen Hatmaker
  20. The Anti-Greed Gospel: Why the Love of Money Is the Root of Racism and How the Church Can Create a New Way Forward Malcolm Foley
  21. The Believer's Ultimate Joy: Your Complete Guide to Finding Rest in God's Eternal Presence Richard Baxter
  22. Heretics G.K. Chesterton
  23. Bálsamo para el Alma: Encontrando Paz en Medio de la Tormenta Thomas Watson
  24. The Homiletical Plot: Expanded Edition: The Sermon as Narrative Art Form Eugene L. Lowry
  25. The God You Need to Know: Audio Bible Studies: 12 Practices to Awaken Your Relationship with the Holy Spirit Margaret Feinberg
  26. Emotionally Healthy Relationships: Audio Bible Studies: Discipleship that Deeply Changes Your Relationship with Others Peter Scazzero
  27. Redeemed: Audio Bible Studies: How God Satisfies the Longing Soul Will Graham
  28. The Nehemiah Code: Audio Bible Studies: It's Never Too Late for a New Beginning O. S. Hawkins
  29. What's Wrong with the World G.K. Chesterton
  30. Evangelii Gaudium: On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today's World Pope Francis
  31. Una Invitación Que No Puedes Rechazar: Cómo Hallar Una Vida Plena En Las Enseñanzas De Cristo J. C. Ryle
  32. Colossians: Gleanings in the Spirit: A Devotional Commentary Randy Kemmerer
  33. Beten in Trance: Fühle Dich Gott so nahe wie nie zuvor Jeffrey Jey Bartle
  34. Verdens vigtigste bog: Kristendommen, bibelen og vores verden Kristian Leth
  35. Bodies on the Line: Christians, Civil Resistance and the Climate Crisis Sue Parfitt
  36. Bible For Kids | Book of Genesis: A Summarized Audio Version of the Bible for Children Phillip Booker
  37. Julevangeliet: Jesu födelse Bibeln för barnen
  38. Palabras que Sanan o Hieren Dominando el Poder de la Lengua Thomas Watson
  39. The Practice of the Presence of God Brother Lawrence
  40. God's Design for the Church: A Guide for African Pastors and Ministry Leaders Conrad Mbewe
  41. SANTO ROSARIO Fidem Dei
  42. Abrazos del Padre Consuelo Divino en Tiempos de Prueba Thomas Watson
  43. Loved by God: 100 Days with Women in the Word Zondervan
  44. The Essential Sermons of Billy Graham, Volume One: Collected Sermons from the 1950s-1960s Billy Graham
  45. Die Bibel - Die Offenbarung des Johannes Martin Luther
  46. Matthew Bible Study: Discover the Life and Teachings of Jesus Peter DeHaan
  47. Divine Beginnings: The Birth of Christ's Herald and Messiah J.C Ryle
  48. How to Pray E. Stanley Jones
  49. Christ Beside Me, Christ Within Me: Celtic Blessings Beth A. Richardson
  50. Fiumi nel Deserto: Le benedizioni del Risveglio nella Bibbia Roger Ellsworth