1. Pandemia: el año de la peste Mario Escobar
  2. Leading Through A Pandemic: The Inside Story of Humanity, Innovation, and Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Crisis Charles Kenney
  3. Overlevingslied Paul Tremblay
  4. Paura S2E07 Daniel Åberg
  5. Corsa contro il tempo S2E05 Daniel Åberg
  6. Erstavik S2E02 Daniel Åberg
  7. Non siamo soli S2E03 Daniel Åberg
  8. Una nuova speranza S2E04 Daniel Åberg
  9. L'esplosione S2E06 Daniel Åberg
  10. Lo scambio S2E08 Daniel Åberg
  11. Scappare S2E09 Daniel Åberg
  12. Ogni cosa ha il suo prezzo S2E10 Daniel Åberg
  13. Den fjerde rytter: 10.000 års epidemihistorie Jeanette Varberg
  14. The Shocking Truth about Common Diseases Zoey Fraisers
  15. COVID: The Politics of Fear and the Power of Science
  16. Mastitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Lilly Richardsen
  17. Malaria: From Silent Killer to Global Health Crisis Lilly Richardsen
  18. De ergste rampen uit de geschiedenis Alles Over Historia
  19. Infectious Diseases: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Ava Westwood
  20. Pandemics: A Very Short Introduction Christian W. McMillen
  21. Yeast Infection: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Solutions Lilly Richardsen
  22. Shigellosis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Prevention Lilly Richardsen
  23. Shingles: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Solutions Lilly Richardsen
  24. Syphilis: Symptoms, Solutions, and Remedies Lilly Richardsen
  25. Medical Virology: Viruses and Viral Diseases Ava Westwood
  26. Pandemi : myterna, fakta, hoten Björn Olsen
  27. Bacteriology: The Invisible World of Bacteria and Their Impact on Life Mike Crawford
  28. Il futuro del lavoro è femmina Silvia Zanella
  29. COVID-19 and World Order: The Future of Conflict, Competition, and Cooperation
  30. Bacterial & Parasitic Infections: Silent Invaders, Dangerous Consequences (3 in 1) Lilly Richardsen
  31. Viral Infections: Stealthy Pathogens That Change Lives (3 in 1) Lilly Richardsen
  32. Parasitology: How These Tiny Organisms Shape life on Earth Mike Crawford
  33. Vector-Borne Diseases: Illnesses That Ride on Nature’s Back (3 in 1) Lilly Richardsen
  34. Rare & Severe Infections: From the Uncommon to the Deadly (3 in 1) Lilly Richardsen
  35. Sexually Transmitted Infections: The Unspoken Epidemics (3 in 1) Lilly Richardsen
  36. Epidemiology: Tracking Diseases Mike Crawford
  37. Herdengesundheit: Der Weg aus der Corona-Krise und die natürliche Alternative zum globalen Impfprogramm Dr. med. Michael Nehls
  38. Infectious Diseases: Controlling and Treating Illness (3 in 1) Ava Westwood
  39. Os vírus que nos assombram Vários Autores
  40. Surviving the Hidden Plague: Unmasking Tuberculosis's Deadly Legacy: "Discover tuberculosis’s hidden truths through powerful audio lessons for a transformative journey of knowledge!" Forrest Caldecott
  41. Surviving Tuberculosis: Unmasking the Deadly Truth That Still Haunts Us: "Elevate your TB knowledge! Dive into captivating audio lessons that unveil the hidden truths of surviving tuberculosis." Jareth Windermere
  42. Virology: Tiny Invaders and Their Global Impact Mike Crawford
  43. A ottant'anni se non muori t'ammazzano Ferdinando Camon
  44. Virus: Corona in het verleden, heden en de toekomst Ab Osterhaus
  45. Quarantaine Wytske Versteeg
  46. American Contagions: Epidemics and the Law from Smallpox to COVID-19 John Fabian Witt
  47. Pandemic! & Pandemic! 2: COVID-19 Shakes the World & Chronicles of a Time Lost Slavoj Zizek
  48. Mijn legendarische moeder overleeft alles: Corona, dementie, eenzame opsluiting en andere ellende Marcel van Roosmalen
  49. In de pits gebeurt altijd iets: Over corona in de F1, de Zevende van Lewis, het geduld van Max, het engeltje op de schouder van Grosjean en nog heel veel meer Jack Plooij
  50. Dieven Melissa Knollenburg