1. Papa, warum sind wir hier?: Eine Geschichte von Überleben, erfolgreicher Integration und Teilhabe in einer friedlichen und demokratischen Gesellschaft Homayoon Pardis
  2. Undercurrents: Channeling Outrage to Spark Practical Activism Steve Davis
  3. The World’s Most Dangerous Geek: And More True Hacking Stories David Kushner
  4. Our Life Our Way: A Memoir of Active Faith, Profound Love and Courageous Disability Rights Christine F. Robinson
  5. Laat je horen: Zo maak jij een positief verschil in de wereld Lisa Jansen
  6. Fighting Back: A Bold Father’s Stand Against Misinformation: "Empower yourself with 'Fighting Back'! Unlock captivating audio lessons designed to challenge and defeat misinformation." Lysander Calloway
  7. Pen Pal (Prison Letters From A Free Spirit On Slow Death Row) Tiyo Attallah Salah-El
  8. Pauline Marois - Au-delà du pouvoir Élyse-Andrée Héroux
  9. Das siebte Jahr - Von Tibet nach Indien Sabriye Tenberken
  10. Unsettling Canada: A National Wake-Up Call Ronald M. Derrickson
  11. Starting Somewhere: Community Organizing for Socially Awkward People Who've Had Enough Roderick Douglass
  12. No One Left Alone: A Story of How Community Helps Us Heal Liz Walker
  13. Die Dating-Möglichkeiten & Apps: Online & Offline Tobi Kraemer
  14. Anti-Racist Ally: An Introduction to Action and Activism Sophie Williams
  15. Breaking Ground Heidi Kühn
  16. Women Peacemakers: What We Can Learn From Them Barbe Chambliss PhD
  17. Tarja Halonen: Erään aktivistin tarina Katri Merikallio
  18. Martin Luther King: The Civil Rights Movement and the Fight against Segregation 50minutes
  19. Himalayan Dreams: The Story of Som Tamang: How a child slave moved mountains to save a generation in Nepal Kirsty Nancarrow
  20. الناشطية السياسية - جدل ندى عصام وأسماء خليفة
  21. Revolution or Death Justin Gifford
  22. Left of Karl Marx: The Political Life of Black Communist Claudia Jones Carole Boyce Davies
  23. Stay Woke: A People's Guide to Making All Black Lives Matter Candis Watts Smith
  24. The Science of James Smithson: Discoveries from The Smithsonian Founder Steven Turner
  25. Going for Broke: Living on the Edge in the World's Richest Country
  26. Woke Is Dead: How common sense triumphed in an age of total madness Piers Morgan
  27. Poisoning the Well: How Forever Chemicals Contaminated America Sharon Udasin
  28. America on Fire: The Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion Since the 1960s Elizabeth Hinton
  29. The Politics of Gen Z: How the Youngest Voters Will Shape Our Democracy Melissa Deckman
  30. Faith, Hope and Mischief: Tiny acts of rebellion by an everyday activist Andrew Graystone
  31. The Art of the Harlem Renaissance: A Cultural and Artistic Explosion Haya Vent
  32. Living Disability: Building Accessible Futures for Everybody
  33. Find the Helpers: What 9/11 and Parkland Taught Me About Recovery, Purpose, and Hope Fred Guttenberg
  34. After You Vote: A Woman’s Guide to Making an Impact, from Town Hall to Capitol Hill Courtney Emerson
  35. Policy Snacks: Noshing Your Way To Political Success John Thibault
  36. Bird of Four Hundred Voices: A Mexican American Memoir of Music and Belonging Eugene Rodriguez
  37. Tell Me My Story: Challenging the Narrative of Service Before Self Dimple D. Dhabalia
  38. Sway: The Inside Secrets the Top 1% Use to Influence Policy Change and Get What They Want and How You Can Too John Thibault
  39. Smedley Butler: The Complete Life Story Brilliant Bio
  40. Takedown: The Hidden War on Online Exploitation: "Elevate your knowledge of Takedown! Access dynamic audio lessons to empower your fight against online exploitation." Jasper Marwood
  41. Achtung, Gutmenschen! - Warum sie uns nerven - Womit sie uns quälen - Wie wir sie loswerden Dietmar Bittrich
  42. Hope Not Fear: Finding My Way from Refugee to Filmmaker to NHS Hospital Cleaner and Activist Hassan Akkad
  43. Making All Black Lives Matter: Reimagining Freedom in the Twenty-First Century Barbara Ransby
  44. Lady Sidekick Anneka Harry
  45. The Muslim Problem: Why We're Wrong About Islam and Why It Matters Tawseef Khan
  46. Samhällsuppdraget: att tänka fackligt om makt, intressen och samverkan Claes-Mikael Ståhl
  47. Black Lives Matter at School: An Uprising for Educational Justice
  48. De minister Hans Faber
  49. Hell Motel: 8 Months at an Economy Hotel Mike Lee
  50. Thriving in the Fight: A Survival Manual for Latinas on the Front Lines of Change Denise Padín Collazo