Can Do Coffee Chat with Shaun Banks, Creator of the ONLY Youth Motivator magazine in the World, YCHIA (You Can Have It All), Camp Warrior King, for Atlanta’s youth, Team HoTT SAWCE and HoTT SAWCE Stacks, personal development cartoon characters and self-efficacy language tools for children, 3 x Author, and advocate of Self Defence for women and children.


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Can Do Coffee Chat with Shaun Banks, Creator of the ONLY Youth Motivator magazine in the World, YCHIA (You Can Have It All), Camp Warrior King, for Atlanta’s youth, Team HoTT SAWCE and HoTT SAWCE Stacks, personal development cartoon characters and self-efficacy language tools for children, 3 x Author, and advocate of Self Defence for women and children.


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Cover for Can Do Coffee Chat with Shaun Banks, Creator of the ONLY Youth Motivator magazine in the World, YCHIA (You Can Have It All), Camp Warrior King, for Atlanta’s youth, Team HoTT SAWCE and HoTT SAWCE Stacks, personal development cartoon characters and self-efficacy language tools for children, 3 x Author, and advocate of Self Defence for women and children.
Cover for Can Do Coffee Chat with Shaun Banks, Creator of the ONLY Youth Motivator magazine in the World, YCHIA (You Can Have It All), Camp Warrior King, for Atlanta’s youth, Team HoTT SAWCE and HoTT SAWCE Stacks, personal development cartoon characters and self-efficacy language tools for children, 3 x Author, and advocate of Self Defence for women and children.

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