Guía para Buscar Alimentos: Cosecha y almacenamiento de plantas silvestres comestibles en diferentes estacionesMona Greeny
Guía para buscar alimentos: Identificación y localización de setas y plantas silvestres comestibles regionalesMona Greeny
Foraging Guide: 3 books in 1 : Identifying and Locating Regional Edible Wild Plants and Mushrooms + Harvesting and Storing Edible Wild Plants in Different Seasons + Preparing Flavorful foodsMona Greeny
Backyard Homesteading: 3 books in 1 : Making Bread, Cheese, Drinkable Water and Tea from Home + Growing Vegetables, Fruits and Raising Livestock + Growing Flowers and BeekeepingMona Greeny
Foraging: 3 books in 1 : Recognizing Toxic and Poisonous Wild Plants and Mushrooms + The Best Edible Wild Foods Recipes + Eating for Free while on Hiking and CampingMona Greeny