The Best of the Playwrights: Tragedies and Comedies by the Masters: Medea by Euripides; Antigone by Sophocles; The Oresteia by Aeschylus; Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth by Shakespeare; A Doll's House by Ibsen; Uncle Vanya by Chekhov; Pygmalion by Shaw and othersAnton Chekhov
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50 Great Russian Short Stories: Notes From The Underground, The Death Of Ivan Ilyich, The Lady With The Dog, First Love, The Mantle, The Queen Of Spades, The Embroidered Towel And Others StoriesIvan Turgenev
50 Stories from Russia's Greatest Authors: The Dream of a Ridiculous Man, Notes From the Underground, First Love, The Queen of Spades, The Death of Ivan Ilych, The Nose, The Cloak, A Dead Body, A Russian Christmas Party and othersIvan Turgenev