Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Janet Hardy-Gould
Descubre un mundo infinito de historias
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'My friend Queequeg and I are looking for whaling work,' Ishmael says. Ishmael is a sailor from New York. With Queequeg the harpooner, he takes work on Captain Ahab's whaling-ship, the Pequod. The ship's first mate, Starbuck, wants to hunt whales for their oil. But Captain Ahab isn't interested. In the hunt for a white whale twenty years earlier, the captain lost a leg. So now Ahab wants revenge on the white whale – Moby-Dick! Who lives? Who dies? And what happens to Ishmael?
© 2020 Oxford University Press (Audiolibro ): 9780194215176
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Audiolibro : 2 de julio de 2020