Entre em um mundo infinito de histórias
"The Golden Bowl" by Henry James delves into the intricacies of marriage and deception. The novel revolves around a complex web of relationships between two couples: American expatriates Adam Verver and his daughter Maggie, and the aristocratic Prince Amerigo and his wife Charlotte. Unbeknownst to Maggie, Amerigo and Charlotte once had a passionate affair. As the story unfolds, a golden bowl symbolizing their relationships becomes a metaphor for the secrets and compromises hidden within. Maggie, despite her innocence, gradually suspects her husband's past with Charlotte. The tensions escalate, leading to a collision of desires, betrayals, and emotional entanglements.
© 2016 Anncona Media AB (Audiolivros): 9789176058183
© 2013 Interactive Media (Ebook): 9781909676206
Data de lançamento
Audiolivros: 14 de julho de 2016
Ebook: 15 de agosto de 2013