Entre em um mundo infinito de histórias
"Barnaby Rudge" by Charles Dickens is a historical novel set against the backdrop of the Gordon Riots in 1780 London. The story revolves around the simple-minded Barnaby Rudge and his mother, along with a cast of diverse characters. Amidst political unrest and personal dramas, Barnaby becomes unintentionally entangled in the violence of the riots. Dickens weaves a tapestry of social commentary, exploring themes of mob mentality, class disparities, and the complexities of human nature. The novel's vivid characters and intricate plotlines converge in a dramatic climax, showcasing Dickens' mastery of storytelling and his ability to illuminate both historical events and the timeless struggles of the human condition.
© 2008 Blackstone Publishing (Audiolivros): 9781483088402
© 2014 Interactive Media (Ebook): 9781910150665
Data de lançamento
Audiolivros: 31 de julho de 2008
Ebook: 15 de fevereiro de 2014