Thanks for the Feedback - The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well: A Group Discussion Vines Graener
Work Positive in a Negative World, The Team Edition: Redefine Your Reality and Achieve Your Work Dreams Dr. Joey Faucette
The Ministry Of Common Sense: How to Eliminate Bureaucratic Red Tape, Bad Excuses, and Corporate BS Martin Lindstrom5
The Red Pill Executive: Transform Operations and Unlock the Potential of Corporate Culture Tony Gruebl
Los primeros 90 días: Estrategias para ponerse al día con mayor rapidez e inteligencia Michael D. Watkins4.2
Trouble with Staff Attitudes and Commitment?: A Handbook for How You Get Everyone to Contribute towards Good Results Ingemar Fredriksson
Как выжить, если тебе 20. Руководство по успешному старту карьеры и самостоятельной жизни Альберт Сагирян4.4
Trouble with staff attitudes and commitment?: A handbook for how you get everyone to contribute towards good results Ingemar Fredriksson5
Lead Your Tribe, Love Your Work: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Creating a Culture that Matters Piyush Patel
The Custom-Fit Workplace : Choose When, Where and How to Work and Boost Your Bottom Line: Choose When, Where, and How to Work and Boost Your Bottom Line Nanette Fondas
The Mommy Manifesto : How to Use Our Power to Think Big, Break Limitations and Achieve Success: How to Use Our Power to Think Big, Break Limitations and Achieve Success Kim Lavine
Effective Remote Working Techniques for Coders: Nine practical steps to boost your productivity when working wherever you like Hari Singh
Zet het Op een Bierviltje: 5 manieren om de essentie te vinden door eenvoud te omarmen Michiel van der Molen4