Thanks for the Feedback - The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well: A Group Discussion Vines Graener
Work Positive in a Negative World, The Team Edition: Redefine Your Reality and Achieve Your Work Dreams Dr. Joey Faucette
Transform Your Life: The Shocking Truth About Change You Need to Know: "Unlock your potential! Dive into captivating audio insights that reveal the secrets to effective life transformation." Orin Caldwell
Enabling Empowerment: A Leadership Playbook for Ending Micromanagement and Empowering Decision-Makers Chris Seifert
The Ministry Of Common Sense: How to Eliminate Bureaucratic Red Tape, Bad Excuses, and Corporate BS Martin Lindstrom5
Practical Appreciative Inquiry: How to Use This Leading-Edge Coaching Method Confidently with Teams and Small Groups Andy Smith
The Red Pill Executive: Transform Operations and Unlock the Potential of Corporate Culture Tony Gruebl
Los primeros 90 días: Estrategias para ponerse al día con mayor rapidez e inteligencia Michael D. Watkins4.2
Teams That Trust: The Secrets to Lasting Connection and Success: "Elevate your team dynamics! Discover engaging audio lessons that foster connection and inspire lasting success." Jasper Vexley
Transform Your Focus: Secrets to Ditch Distractions and Live Fully: "Revitalize your focus! Explore motivating audio lessons to ditch distractions and live your best life." Orin Renshaw
Trouble with Staff Attitudes and Commitment?: A Handbook for How You Get Everyone to Contribute towards Good Results Ingemar Fredriksson
Engage Authentically: Transform Your Leadership and Build Stronger Teams: "Elevate your leadership game! Grab our audiobook for powerful insights on building authentic, high-performing teams." Dorian Lockridge
Menschen & Organisationen entwickeln: Beratungs-, Coaching- und Trainingskompetenzen für Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater (mit internen und externen Einsatzmöglichkeiten) Erwin Hoffmann
The Cactus and Snowflake at Work: How the Logical and the Sensitive Can Thrive Side by Side Devora Zack
Help! Het is hier een beestenbende: De biologische kijk op grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer - en hoe het te voorkomen Patrick van Veen
The Leaders You Need: How to Create Diverse Leadership Teams for a More Dynamic, Resilient Future Karen Brown
Как выжить, если тебе 20. Руководство по успешному старту карьеры и самостоятельной жизни Альберт Сагирян4.4
Trouble with staff attitudes and commitment?: A handbook for how you get everyone to contribute towards good results Ingemar Fredriksson5