

  1. The Design of Everyday Things: Book Summary & Analysis Don Norman
  2. Things That Make Us Smart Don Norman
  3. Turn Signals Are the Facial Expressions of Automobiles Don Norman
  4. The Seed to Pantry Planner: Grow, Cook, & Preserve A Year's Worth of Food Jennifer Osuch
  5. The 99% Invisible City: A Field Guide to the Hidden World of Everyday Design Roman Mars
  6. The Creative Mindset: Mastering the Six Skills That Empower Innovation Jeff DeGraff
  7. The Life and Times of Jo Mora: Iconic Artist of the American West Peter Hiller
  8. Frank Lloyd Wright on the West Coast Mark Anthony Wilson
  9. Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life Beth Kempton
  10. Quilt Blocks for Beginners: Fresh, Versatile Designs for Quilts, Clothes, Accessories, and Decor Nancy Wick
  11. Portrait Drawing for Kids: A Step-by-Step Guide to Drawing Faces Angela Rizza
  12. Rock Painting for Beginners: Simple Step-by-Step Techniques Adrianne Surian
  13. The Complete Guide to Natural Soap Making: Create 65 All-Natural Soaps Amanda Gail Aaron
  14. Baby's First Year Milestones: Promote & Celebrate Your Baby's Development Monthly Games & Activities Aubrey Hargis
  15. Crochet for Beginners: A Stitch Dictionary with Step-by-Step Illustrations and 10 Easy Projects Arica Presinal
  16. JavaScript Coding for Teens: A Beginner's Guide to Developing Websites and Games Andrew Yueh
  17. Mandala Rock Painting Made Simple: Step-by-Step Instructions for Timeless Designs Carla Schauer
  18. Origami Made Simple: 40 Easy Models with Step-by-Step Instructions Russell Wood
  19. American Horticultural Society Essential Guide to Perennial Gardening: Techniques and Know-How for Planning, Planting, and Tending Low-Maintenance Perennial Plantings American Horticultural Society
  20. Objects in Exile: Modern Art and Design across Borders, 1930–1960 Robin Schuldenfrei
  21. Augmented Reality Development with Unity: Build and optimize AR applications with Unity, ARKit, and ARCore I. Wijesooriya
  22. Building Secure Automotive IoT Applications: Developing robust IoT solutions for next-gen automotive software Dr. Dennis Kengo Oka
  23. Learn SOLIDWORKS 2025: Gain the skills and knowledge you need to become a certified SOLIDWORKS Associate or Professional Tayseer Almattar
  24. IA encontra UX: Projetando a Próxima Geração de Produtos Centrados no Usuário: Onde a inovação encontra a empatia para moldar o futuro do design Wandher Souza
  25. John Willie: A Bizarre Life Jane Garrett
  26. Clean Mama's Guide to a Healthy Home: The Simple, Room-by-Room Plan for a Natural Home Becky Rapinchuk
  27. Noise Daniel Kahneman
  28. Family Business: An Intimate History of John Lewis and the Partnership Victoria Glendinning
  29. Дизайн впечатлений: Инструменты и шаблоны создания у клиента положительных эмоций от взаимодействия с компанией и продуктом Роберт Россман
  30. 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage: Strengthen Your Most Intimate Relationship Kim Kimberling, PhD
  31. Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible J. Warner Wallace
  32. Baking with the Bread Lady: 100 Delicious Recipes You Can Master at Home Sarah Gonzalez
  33. Still Time to Care: What We Can Learn from the Church’s Failed Attempt to Cure Homosexuality Greg Johnson
  34. Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen
  35. Declutter Like a Mother: A Guilt-Free, No-Stress Way to Transform Your Home and Your Life Allie Casazza
  36. Shopfloor Management für Einsteiger: Erste Schritte zu einer wertschöpfungsorientierten Führung. Theoretische Grundlagen, -begriffe und praktische Tools zur Einführung in KMUs Malte Schechler
  37. 0.1cm로 싸우는 사람 : 최초의 디자인 회사 ‘바른손’ 50년 이야기 김정윤
  38. Design: Tecnologia a serviço da qualidade de vida
  39. Design: Ensino, processos e comunicação
  40. Diseño creativo: manual de ideas Juan Diego Ramos Betancur
  41. Palaces of Revolution: Life, Death and Art at the Stuart Court Simon Thurley
  42. Grand Central Terminal Anthony W. Robins
  43. The Designer's Dictionary of Color Sean Adams
  44. Enfoque agroindustrial para la transformación hortofrutícola: perspectiva de gestión operativa en fábrica Edwin Causado Rodríguez
  45. Three Views on Christianity and Science Zondervan
  46. The Collected Works of Jim Morrison: Poetry, Journals, Transcripts, and Lyrics Jim Morrison
  47. The Last Bookshop in London: A Novel of World War II Madeline Martin
  48. Müzecilik Yazıları - Modern Sanat Müzesinin Tasarımı Halil Edhem
  49. Teknolojik İşlevsizlik - Kitle Üretiminden Yaratıcı Tasarıma Kemal İnan
  50. God of the Gaps: Finding Faith in the In-between Spaces of our Journey Christie Love