Quilt Blocks for Beginners: Fresh, Versatile Designs for Quilts, Clothes, Accessories, and Decor Nancy Wick
Baby's First Year Milestones: Promote & Celebrate Your Baby's Development Monthly Games & Activities Aubrey Hargis
Crochet for Beginners: A Stitch Dictionary with Step-by-Step Illustrations and 10 Easy Projects Arica Presinal
American Horticultural Society Essential Guide to Perennial Gardening: Techniques and Know-How for Planning, Planting, and Tending Low-Maintenance Perennial Plantings American Horticultural Society
Augmented Reality Development with Unity: Build and optimize AR applications with Unity, ARKit, and ARCore I. Wijesooriya
Building Secure Automotive IoT Applications: Developing robust IoT solutions for next-gen automotive software Dr. Dennis Kengo Oka
Learn SOLIDWORKS 2025: Gain the skills and knowledge you need to become a certified SOLIDWORKS Associate or Professional Tayseer Almattar
IA encontra UX: Projetando a Próxima Geração de Produtos Centrados no Usuário: Onde a inovação encontra a empatia para moldar o futuro do design Wandher Souza
Clean Mama's Guide to a Healthy Home: The Simple, Room-by-Room Plan for a Natural Home Becky Rapinchuk3
Дизайн впечатлений: Инструменты и шаблоны создания у клиента положительных эмоций от взаимодействия с компанией и продуктом Роберт Россман5
Still Time to Care: What We Can Learn from the Church’s Failed Attempt to Cure Homosexuality Greg Johnson4
Declutter Like a Mother: A Guilt-Free, No-Stress Way to Transform Your Home and Your Life Allie Casazza4
Shopfloor Management für Einsteiger: Erste Schritte zu einer wertschöpfungsorientierten Führung. Theoretische Grundlagen, -begriffe und praktische Tools zur Einführung in KMUs Malte Schechler
Enfoque agroindustrial para la transformación hortofrutícola: perspectiva de gestión operativa en fábrica Edwin Causado Rodríguez