World History

  1. A Rare Recording of Bertrand Russell’s 1950 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech Bertrand Russell
  2. A Rare Recording of President John F. Kennedy’s 1961 Inaugural Address President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  3. 历史的教训:你不可不知的历史典故: 简体中文版 文渊
  4. 北大历史课(精装): 简体中文版 经典课程编委会(编著)
  5. A Full Life by Jimmy Carter | Summary & Analysis: Reflections at Ninety IRB Media
  6. Mafia: The History of the Mob Nigel Cawthorne
  7. History's Greatest Battles Nigel Cawthorne
  8. 1918: The Year of Victories Martin Marix Evans
  9. Mafia: Die wahre Geschichte des organisierten Verbrechens Jo Durden Smith
  10. Great Speeches: Words that Shaped the World John Boyes
  11. To The Ends of The Earth Jon Balchin
  12. The Secret Lives of the Nazis: How Hitler’s evil henchmen plundered Europe Paul Roland
  13. The Private Life of Victoria: Queen, Empress, Mother of the Nation Alexander MacDonald
  14. Tyrants: History's 100 Most Evil Despots & Dictators Nigel Cawthorne
  15. The Crimes of Stalin: The Murderous Career of the Red Tsar [Fully Illustrated] Nigel Cawthorne
  16. A History of the World: From Prehistory to the 21st Century Jeremy Black
  17. 清宫玄机录: 简体中文版 金性尧
  18. 100 Great Military Leaders: History's Greatest Masters of Warfare Nigel Cawthorne
  19. A History of Pirates: Blood and Thunder on the High Seas Nigel Cawthorne
  20. 少年读三国:东吴鲸波: 简体中文版 成君忆
  21. 少年读三国:曹魏风烟: 简体中文版 成君忆
  22. The Secrets of the Freemasons Pat Morgan
  23. Questions and Answers: World History Arcturus Publishing
  24. A History of Cannibalism Nathan Constantine
  25. Kitcheners Army: The Full Story of a Great Achievement Edgar Wallace
  26. The Age of Gladiators Rupert Matthews
  27. Kitchener: The Man Behind The Legend Phillip Warner
  28. Phantom Phillip Warner
  29. The Fall Of The Moghul Empire Of Hindustan H.G. Keene
  30. The Standard History Of The War - Volume 1 Edgar Wallace
  31. The D Day Landings Phillip Warner
  32. The Standard History Of The War - Volume 2 Edgar Wallace
  33. Cristóvão Colombo e a Expansão Marítima Espanhola: os sentidos espirituais na conquista da América (1492-1506) José Rafael de Souza
  34. The Standard History Of The War - Volume 3 Edgar Wallace
  35. A Confusion of Printers: The Role of Print in the English Reformation Pearce J. Carefoote
  36. The Standard History Of The War - Volume 4 Edgar Wallace
  37. Auchinleck: The Lonely Soldier Phillip Warner
  38. S.B.S. - The Special Boat Squadron: A History Of Britains Elite Forces Phillip Warner
  39. Special Forces - WWII Phillip Warner
  40. Horrocks: The General Who Led From The Front Phillip Warner
  41. S.A.S. - The Special Air Service: A History Of Britains Elite Forces Phillip Warner
  42. Kleine Geschichte deutscher Länder: Regionen, Staaten, Bundesländer Ulrich March
  43. Gleichheit oder Freiheit?: Demokratie – ein babylonischer Turmbau? von Kuehnelt-Leddihn Erik
  44. Stalingrad - Die stillen Helden: Das Schicksal der Sanitätseinheiten im Kessel Reinhold Busch
  45. Römische Tagebücher: Lebensbeichte eines alten Bischofs Alois C. Hudal
  46. Höhe- und Wendepunkte deutscher Militärgeschichte: Von Leuthen bis Stalingrad Franz Uhle-Wettler
  47. Johann Albrecht von Reiswitz (1899–1962): Vom unbequemen Südosteuropaexperten zum Kunstschützer Andreas Roth
  48. Historia portátil de España: Extracto de Y cuando digo España Fernando García de Cortázar
  49. História, Estórias e Historiografia: Trajetória Acadêmica e Profissional de um Professor Antônio De Almeida
  50. The Columbia Disaster: The History of the Last Space Shuttle to Be Lost During a Mission Charles River Editors