
  1. Direito ao aborto: Reflexões disruptivas em busca do protagonismo feminino sobre o direito ao próprio corpo Josiene Souza
  2. Koolamathari Perumal Murugan
  3. Sexism: The Persistent Struggle for Gender Equality Across the World Marcus Kline
  4. Pookkuzhi Perumal Murugan
  5. Errors in Social Perception: How We Misjudge Groups and Others (2 in 1) William Rands
  6. Minorities: The Ongoing Fight for Equality in a Diverse World (3 in 1) Marcus Kline
  7. The Shocking Truth about Workplace Harassment Zoey Fraisers
  8. The Garden of Angels David Hewson
  9. Vekkai Poomani
  10. Mathorubagan Perumal Murugan
  11. Nizhal Mutram Perumal Murugan
  12. Libertad para Belén: Grito nacional Soledad Deza
  13. מרטין תמר ורטה-זהבי
  14. מנדלה תמר ורטה-זהבי
  15. De Molukkers: Een vergeten geschiedenis Coen Verbraak
  16. Her Dağın Gölgesi Deniz'e Düşer Evrim Alatas
  17. מחלק העיתונים וינס וואטר
  18. Feminismos jurídicos: Interpelaciones y debates Virginia Cano
  19. Eerlijk werk: Get sh*t done, snel & eerlijk Kim Scott
  20. O reconhecimento como base do direito e as consequências das vivências trans Jéssica de Paula Bueno da Silva
  21. A Place for Us Cassandra Chiu
  22. Americanah Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  23. Immigration Matters: Movements, Visions, and Strategies for a Progressive Future Deepak Bhargava
  24. O Lado Estúpido Da Instituição Metodista De Porto Alegre Rafa Hughes
  25. Teach Kids to Become Mentally Strong: How to Instill a Strong Mentality in Your Kids and Help Them Overcome Struggles and Achieve Success in a Stigmatized World Frank Dixon
  26. Cuidado e solidariedade: prática social e institucional Guilherme de Oliveira
  27. Autoridade parental versus identidade horizontal: a vulnerabilidade como vetor de modulação da autonomia da criança e do adolescente com nanismo e seu melhor interesse como antídoto à homogeneização Núbia Leoni de Freitas Nogueira
  28. The Black Fives: The Epic Story of Basketball’s Forgotten Era Claude Johnson
  29. Understanding E-Carceration: Electronic Monitoring, the Surveillance State, and the Future of Mass Incarceration James Kilgore
  30. Ay Dolandı Neslihan Önderoğlu
  31. Perché il patriarcato persiste? Carol Gilligan
  32. מיניון ג'ניפר בר לב
  33. Unreasonable: Black Lives, Police Power, and the Fourth Amendment Devon W. Carbado
  34. חייו המשונים של אלברט נובס ג'ורג' מור
  35. אל עצמי: סיפורו של ילד עזוב גלילה רון פדר עמית
  36. ילד חוץ גלילה רון פדר עמית
  37. American Indians, American Justice Clifford M. Lytle
  38. Before Brown: Heman Marion Sweatt, Thurgood Marshall, and the Long Road to Justice Gary M. Lavergne
  39. De zeven vinkjes: Hoe mannen zoals ik de baas spelen Joris Luyendijk
  40. Stay true to who you are: Het bijzondere levensverhaal van Vanessa van Cartier Vanessa van Cartier
  41. The Facilitator's Guide for White Affinity Groups: Strategies for Leading White People in an Anti-Racist Practice Robin DiAngelo
  42. Il ginocchio sul collo Alessandro Portelli
  43. Religion betrifft Schule: Religiöse Pluralität gestalten Andrea Lehner-Hartmann
  44. The Diary Keepers: World War II in the Netherlands, as Written by the People Who Lived Through It Nina Siegal
  45. Parität jetzt!: Wider die Ungleichheit von Frauen und Männern Eine Streitschrift Rita Süssmuth
  46. Schäm dich, Europa!: Meer-Ethik in Anbetracht der Herzenge von Gibraltar Wolfgang Maria Siegmund
  47. Deficiência & os desafios para uma sociedade inclusiva - Vol 01 Luís Roberto Barroso
  48. Deficiência & os desafios para uma sociedade inclusiva - Vol 03 Maria Aparecida Gugel
  49. Deficiência & os desafios para uma sociedade inclusiva - Vol 02 Patrícia Almeida
  50. Injusticias epistémicas: Análisis y contextos Cristián Santibáñez