Onweerstaanbaar Ondernemen: 3 succesversnellers waarmee je bedrijf zonder budget razendsnel groeit Pedro van Helden4
Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos, With an Introduction by Walter Isaacson 3.9
Teams in Flow: 9 elementen van topteams voor wendbaarheid, bevlogenheid en betere prestaties Diederik Steeman4.3
Uncompromising: How an Unwavering Commitment to Your Why Leads to an Impactful Life and a Lasting Legacy Steven A. White
Deal Junkie: A Half-Century of Deals that Brought the Biggest U.S. Retail and Apparel Companies to Answer the Moment and Prepare for the Future Gilbert Harrison