Religion & Spirituality

African Christian Studies Series books in order

  1. The Church as Salt and Light: Path to an African Ecclesiology of Abundant Life
  2. The Church and Development in Africa, Second Edition: Aid and Development from the Perspective of Catholic Social Ethics Stan Chu Ilo
  3. Christian Spirituality in Africa: Biblical, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives from Kenya Sung Kyu Park
  4. Lonergan, Social Transformation, and Sustainable Human Development Joseph Ogbonnaya
  5. Akan Christology: An Analysis of the Christologies of John Samuel Pobee and Kwame Bediako in Conversation with the Theology of Karl Barth Charles Sarpong Aye-Addo
  6. Toward an African Theology of Fraternal Solidarity: UBE NWANNE Ikenna Ugochukwu Okafor
  7. The Bible, the Bullet, and the Ballot: Zimbabwe: The Impact of Christian Protest in Sociopolitical Transformation, ca. 1900–ca. 2000 Fabulous Moyo
  8. From Historical to Critical Post-Colonial Theology: The Contribution of John S. Mbiti and Jesse N. K. Mugambi Robert S. Heaney
  9. When Evil Strikes: Faith and the Politics of Human Hostility Sunday Bobai Agang
  10. The Making of an African Christian Ethics: Bénézet Bujo and the Roman Catholic Moral Tradition Wilson Muoha Maina
  11. Shona Women in Zimbabwe—A Purchased People?: Marriage, Bridewealth, Domestic Violence, and the Christian Traditions on Women John Chitakure
  12. Kwame Bediako and African Christian Scholarship: Emerging Religious Discourse in Twentieth-Century Ghana Sara J. Fretheim
  13. Inside the Whirlwind: The Book of Job through African Eyes Jason Alan Carter
  14. Communion Ecclesiology and Social Transformation in African Catholicism: Between Vatican Council II and African Synod II Idara Otu
  15. African Pentecostalism and World Christianity: Essays in Honor of J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu Various authors
  16. Jesus Christ as Logos Incarnate and Resurrected Nana (Ancestor): An African Perspective on Conversion and Christology Rudolf K. Gaisie
  17. Faith and Culture: Elochukwu Uzukwu and the Making of an African Sacramental Theology Emmanuel Osigwe
  18. Under the Palaver Tree: Doing African Ecclesiology in the Spirit of Vatican II—the Contributions of Elochukwu E. Uzukwu

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