Do you understand the token economy? If yes, then you are in exalted company - the company of Psittacus Erithacus. No, it is not a Roman Emperor. It is the big-brained African Grey Parrot. They are known to exchange currency for food. Parrots also have some other attractive traits, which will be revealed in the episode. The shortest cameo in a movie is possibly Brad Pitt for 8 seconds in Deadpool 2. Compensation - coffee with Ryan Reynolds. This is an Oscar winner doing a cameo. But there are also cameos (really small parts) that won Oscars. Who were they? You know what you must do to know that - (no - the answer is not - "I will Google Search it"). That was a sneak peek into what is in store for you. Do write in to tell us what you think at Follow us on Spotify, Insta or YouTube Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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