

  1. Şeytanın Günlüğü Leonid Andreyev
  2. Thirteen Discourses on the Sermon on the Mount John Wesley
  3. The Gospel of Jesus Ben Witherington
  4. Seeing Black and White in a Gray World: The Need for Theological Reasoning in the Church's Debate Over Sexuality Bill T. Arnold
  5. Organic Wesley: A Christian Perspective on Food, Farming, and Faith
  6. The Radical Wesley: The Patterns and Practices of a Movement Maker Howard A. Snyder
  7. World Mission in the Wesleyan Spirit
  8. Decolonizing Mission Partnerships: Evolving Collaboration between United Methodists in North Katanga and the United States of America Taylor Walters Denyer
  9. Living Hope: An Inclusive Vision of the Future Steve Harper
  10. A Plain Account of Christian Perfection John Wesley
  11. Leaning Both Ways at Once: Methodist Evangelistic Mission at the Intersection of Church and World Jeffrey A. Conklin-Miller
  12. Pilgrims Matthew Kneale
  13. Die formative Dimension des Gebets: Pastoraltheologische Grundlegungen einer Gemeindepraxis aus methodistisch-wesleyanischer Perspektive Stefan Zürcher-Allenbach
  14. Zu lieben sind wir da: Der methodistische Weg, Kirche zu sein David N. Field
  15. John Wesley: Theologie in Predigten Patrick Philipp Streiff
  16. A Plain Account of Christian Perfection: Striving for Spiritual Excellence: A Study in Christian Perfection John Wesley
  17. Cathedral Ben Hopkins
  18. Charles Wesley in America: Georgia, Charleston, Boston S T Kimbrough
  19. The Church of Akbar & Christianity in Mughal India Amit Schandillia
  20. The Supernatural and the Circuit Riders: The Rise of Early American Methodism Rimi Xhemajli
  21. Queering Wesley, Queering the Church Keegan Osinski
  22. The Limits of a Catholic Spirit: John Wesley, Methodism, and Catholicism Kelly Diehl Yates
  23. On to Perfection: Nels O. Westergreen and the Swedish Methodist Church Carol M. Norén
  24. Wesleyan Perspectives on Human Flourishing
  25. The West African Methodist Collegiate School, 1911–2021: A Byproduct of Missionary Work in West Africa Christopher E. S. Warburton
  26. Wesley's Designated Successor: The Life, Letters, and Literary Labours of the Rev. John William Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley, Shropshire L. Tyerman
  27. Surrendering My Ordination: Standing Up for Gay and Lesbian Inclusivity in The United Methodist Church J. Philip Wogaman
  28. United Methodist Questions, United Methodist Answers, Revised Edition: Exploring Christian Faith Belton Joyner
  29. Together at the Table: Diversity without Division in The United Methodist Church Karen Oliveto
  30. The Next Methodism: Theological, Social, and Missional Foundations for Global Methodism
  31. I'm Black I'm Christian I'm Methodist
  32. The Lord of Glory: Meditations on the person, the work and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ Arno Clemens Gaebelein
  33. Pentecostal Hermeneutics in the Late Modern World: Essays on the Condition of Our Interpretation L. William Oliverio Jr.
  34. A Long Reconstruction: Racial Caste and Reconciliation in the Methodist Episcopal Church Paul William Harris
  35. Go and Be Reconciled: Alabama Methodists Confront Racial Injustice, 1954-1974 William Nicholas
  36. A Sketch of the Life and Labors of George Whitefield J. C. Ryle
  37. The Quest for Love Divine: Select Essays in Wesleyan Theology and Practice Paul W. Chilcote
  38. Born in Crisis and Shaped by Controversy, Volume 1: The Relevant History of Methodism: Born in Crisis John R. Tyson
  39. Something Happens Here: Reclaiming the Distinctiveness of Wesley’s Communion Spirituality in Times of Divisiveness Stephen P. West
  40. Broken Bread, from an Evangelist's Wallet Thomas Champness
  41. Laws of Depravity: Revised Edition Eriq La Salle
  42. Forest of Foes: The Bernicia Chronicles Book 9 Matthew Harffy
  43. The Methodist Episcopal Church in Georgia Edmund Jordan Hammond
  44. When Church Stops Working: A Future for Your Congregation beyond More Money, Programs, and Innovation Andrew Root
  45. When the Church Woke William B. Lawrence
  46. Holiness of Heart and Life: Loving God and Neighbor Allan R. Bevere
  47. A Firm Foundation: Hope and Vision for a New Methodist Future Wesley Covenant Association
  48. The Rise of Theological Liberalism and the Decline of American Methodism James Heidinger
  49. El Wesley Radical: Patrones para la renovacion de la Iglesia Howard A. Snyder
  50. What Jesus Intended: Finding True Faith in the Rubble of Bad Religion Todd D. Hunter