1. Papirüs - Antik Dünyada Kitapların İcadı Irene Vallejo
  2. The Publishing Playbook: From Manuscript to Market Dr. Jack Monro
  3. How to Sell a Book: What I’ve Learned Selling 100,000 Self-Published Nonfiction Books David Kadavy
  4. The Rise of Serialized Fiction: How Digital Plat-forms Are Reviving Episodic Storytelling Dr. Jack Monro
  5. How to Submit: Getting Your Writing Published with Literary Magazines and Small Presses Dennis James Sweeney
  6. Transform Your Life: 7 Hidden Secrets to Unleash Your Potential: "Unlock your greatness! Access engaging audio lessons and transform your life with 7 hidden secrets to success!" Cyrus Trembley
  7. Self-Publishing Glossary: From a-book to zero rating: the terms indie authors need to know Alliance of Independent Authors
  8. Craft Your Story: Secrets to Captivating and Engaging Audiences: "Revamp your narrative skills! Discover powerful audio lessons that captivate and connect with listeners." Lysander Merrick
  9. The Release: Creativity and Freedom After the Writing Is Done Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew
  10. The Story Behind Every Writer's Secret: Ignite Your Passion and Perfect Your Craft: "Elevate your writing skills! Discover transformative audio lessons that unveil the secrets to passionate storytelling." Ronan Ashworth
  11. Transform Your Mind: Simple Writing Habits for a Vibrant Life: "Revitalize your mindset! Discover dynamic audio lessons that fuel vibrant living through simple writing habits." Cyrus Gladstone
  12. Quit Smoking with Ease: Transform Your Life Today!: "Revamp your quit smoking journey! Dive into dynamic audio lessons tailored for effortless transformation." Kieran Lansbury
  13. How to Write Non-Fiction Second Edition: Turn Your Knowledge into Words Joanna Penn
  14. AI as Author: Exploring the Future of Publishing Nathan Venture, D
  15. Writing Secrets That Transform Your Craft: "Enhance your writing journey! Access inspiring audio lessons crafted to elevate your creativity." Ronan Thornefield
  16. Captivating Sentences: Transform Your Words into Unforgettable Stories: "Ignite your creativity! Experience powerful audio lessons that transform ordinary words into captivating stories." Rowan Kepler
  17. How to Craft Irresistible Fiction That Sells: "Master the art of fiction writing! Access captivating audio lessons that boost your storytelling to sell." Thaine Carverfield
  18. 100 cartas de empresa Juan Sebastián González
  19. Words of Wisdom: Transform Your Writing from Ordinary to extraordinary: "Elevate your writing skills with Words of Wisdom. Discover powerful audio lessons to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary!" Kendrick Vale
  20. Birds of Wisdom: Transformative Tactics for Writers: "Unlock your writing potential with Birds of Wisdom: dynamic audio tactics for aspiring authors!" Rowan Ashford
  21. Der Buchmesse-Guide für Autoren - Wie du mit Messen und Conventions deinen Jahresumsatz um 10.000 Euro steigerst (ungekürzt) Lew Marschall
  22. Copywriting Strategies: A No-Nonsense Guide to Writing Persuasive Copy for Your Business Nicki Krawczyk
  23. Friedhof für Fremde - Krimi Hörbuch Mark Dawson
  24. Das rote Zimmer - Krimi Hörbuch Mark Dawson
  25. Así se escribe un libro: Todo lo que necesitas saber para escribir, publicar y vender un libro con éxito David Remartínez
  26. Comment Écrire, Publier Et Vendre Votre Livre Sur Amazon David Akpovi
  27. Las Provincias y María Consuelo Reyna: Liderazgo y poder en tiempos de cambio (1966-1982) Ana Mª Cervera Sánchez
  28. Write Publish Launch Dave Thompson
  29. From Zero to Published: How to Sell Your First Book Without an Email List or a Budget Jason Hamilton
  30. Wide Publishing for Authors: A Guide to Expanding Your Book’s Reach and Finding More Readers Dale L. Roberts
  31. Speak Clearly, Write Powerfully: Transform Your Messages Today: "Transform how you speak and write! Access our engaging audiobook for compelling communication techniques!" Jasper Havelock
  32. Winters Fluch: Der internationale Krimi-Bestseller Mary Stone
  33. Finish & Publish: Writing Your Book and Publishing with Amazon Cara Stein
  34. The Author Income Problem: Track Your Sales Without Pulling Your Hair Out M.L. Ronn
  35. Metadata Essentials: Proven Techniques for Book Marketing and Discovery Jake Handy
  36. Power of Publishing: Let Your Dream Take Flight William Gladstone
  37. Just Add Writer: A Complete Guide to Writing Tie-ins and IP Tim Waggoner
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  39. Story Secrets: Transform Your Screenwriting Skills: "Unlock your screenwriting potential with dynamic audio lessons crafted to elevate your storytelling abilities!" Jareth Cresswell
  40. Death at the Village Chess Club: A BRAND NEW cracking cozy mystery series set in the Cotswolds for 2025! Debbie Young
  41. Mastering Literary Representation: Your Guide to Securing an Agent Virversity Online Courses
  42. Kindle Bestseller Publishing: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide on How to Publish on Amazon Kindle, Learn the Best Tips and Advice on How to Publish eBooks on Amazon Kindle Alex Frey
  43. Enjoy Self-publishing: Have fun, earn money, quit worrying Patty Jansen
  44. Publishing Basics Bundle: 2 in 1 Bundle, Self-Publishing and Kindle Bestseller Publishing Alex Frey
  45. Transform Your Words: Secrets to Captivating Storytelling: "Transform your storytelling skills with dynamic audio lessons crafted for maximum engagement and impact!" Lysander Quillan
  46. Captivating Minds: Secrets to Engage Readers Instantly: "Elevate your reading game! Experience 'Captivating Minds' audio lessons that captivate and engage readers effortlessly." Caspian Fawkes
  47. Self-Publishing eBooks: How to Self-Publish, Market your Books and Make Passive Income Online for Life Josh Williams
  48. Amazon Keywords for Books: How to Use Keywords for Better Discovery on Amazon Dale L. Roberts
  49. Angel Investing: Insider Secrets to Wealth Creation Sanjay Kulkarni
  50. Your Author Business Plan: Take Your Author Career to the Next Level Joanna Penn