"Assam police late on Wednesday night took custody of Vadgam MLA and Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani, reportedly over a couple of tweets claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who ""considers Godse as God,"" should appeal for peace and harmony against communal clashes in Gujarat. A team of four policemen from Assam took Mevani into custody at Palanpur circuit house in Banaskantha. A close aide of Mevani said that the police were not giving details of the offence and it was only after a group of Congress leaders and his supporters created a ruckus at Ahmedabad airport, that the police showed a document revealing a case against Mevani for his tweets. The document shows that on the basis of a complaint by one Anup Kumar Dey, a resident of Bhabanipur in Kokrajhar district in Assam, a case was lodged against Mevani Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
"Assam police late on Wednesday night took custody of Vadgam MLA and Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani, reportedly over a couple of tweets claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who ""considers Godse as God,"" should appeal for peace and harmony against communal clashes in Gujarat. A team of four policemen from Assam took Mevani into custody at Palanpur circuit house in Banaskantha. A close aide of Mevani said that the police were not giving details of the offence and it was only after a group of Congress leaders and his supporters created a ruckus at Ahmedabad airport, that the police showed a document revealing a case against Mevani for his tweets. The document shows that on the basis of a complaint by one Anup Kumar Dey, a resident of Bhabanipur in Kokrajhar district in Assam, a case was lodged against Mevani Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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