Sesli kitapların büyülü dünyasına adım at.
Winston’s biggest fear had always been the school bully. Turns out, waking up to being a half-alien freak was worse.
Why? Oh, maybe the bruises that glow neon blue. Or the even higher odds of being rejected by his dream girl. Or, best of all, the sudden attention from gun-toting goons in dark suits.
Winston’s mom thinks some junk left by Winston’s long-missing father in a safe deposit box might make things better. Not likely.
It’s going to take more than alien artifacts and a plastic baggie of clues to stop a mysterious government organization. It might take Winston giving up everything he’s ever wanted. And everyone.
Armed only with his wits, his snarky best friend, and a few wicked new abilities, Winston has to stay one step ahead of a lunatic and dive into the past. Otherwise, there won’t be a future.
Winston Chase and the Alpha Machine is book 1 in a completed trilogy packed with electrifying fun and adventure.
© 2020 Enwritenment (Sesli Kitap): 9781664932272
Yayın tarihi
Sesli Kitap: 2 Aralık 2020
Kids mode
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Sınırsızca dinlemek ve okumak isteyenler için.
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