Complete Works: The Federalist Papers, The Continentalist, A Full Vindication, Private Correspondence & BiographyAlexander Hamilton
The Complete Works of Alexander Hamilton: The Federalist Papers, The Continentalist, A Full Vindication, Private Correspondence & BiographyAlexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton: Illustrated Biography Based on Family Letters and Other Personal DocumentsAllan McLane Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton: Illustrated Biography Based on Family Letters and Other Personal DocumentsAllan McLane Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton: Illustrated Biography Based on Family Letters and Other Personal DocumentsAllan McLane Hamilton
The Complete Works of Alexander Hamilton: Biography, The Federalist Papers, The Continentalist, A Full Vindication, Publius, Letters Of H.G, Military Papers, Private Correspondence, The PacificusAlexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton: Illustrated Biography Based on Family Letters and Other Personal DocumentsAllan McLane Hamilton
The Complete Works of Alexander Hamilton: The Federalist Papers, The Continentalist, A Full Vindication, Private Correspondence & BiographyAlexander Hamilton
Das Privatleben von Alexander Hamilton: Ausgabe in neuer Übersetzung und RechtschreibungAllan McLane Hamilton