1. The Age of Reason Thomas Paine
  2. Epistemology: The Theory of Knowledge and Wisdom Hector Davidson
  3. Ética demostrada según el orden geométrico Baruch Spinoza
  4. A Treatise of Human Nature David Hume
  5. علم الأخلاق باروخ سبينوزا ترجمة: مروة مغربي
  6. Spinoza: Filosoof van de vrijheid Ian Buruma
  7. Ontspoord eigenbelang: Essay over Spinoza en economische complexiteit René Willemsen
  8. An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding (Vol. 1&2): Complete Edition John Locke
  9. The Anchoring Effect: How Initial Information Influences Subsequent Judgments William Rands
  10. The False Consensus Effect: Believing Others Share Your Views More Than They Do William Rands
  11. The Bandwagon Effect: How Popular Opinion Influences Individual Choices William Rands
  12. The Correlation-Causation Fallacy: Assuming Correlation Implies Causation William Rands
  13. The In-Group Bias: Favoring Members of Your Own Group over Others William Rands
  14. The False Dilemma: Presenting Only Two Choices When More Exist William Rands
  15. The Hindsight Bias: The Illusion of Foreseeing Outcomes After They Occur William Rands
  16. The Status Quo Bias: Preferring Things to Stay the Same over Change William Rands
  17. The Just-World Hypothesis: Believing That People Get What They Deserve William Rands
  18. The Red Herring Fallacy: Introducing Irrelevant Information to Distract from the Issue William Rands
  19. The Straw Man Fallacy: Misrepresenting an Argument to Refute It More Easily William Rands
  20. The Slippery Slope Fallacy: Arguing That One Action Will Lead to Extreme Consequences William Rands
  21. Diskriminierung: zur Rehabilitierung eines Grundbegriffes der Aufklärung. Ole Döring
  22. آلام العقل الغربي - فهم الأفكار التي قامت بصياغة نظرتنا إلى العالم ريتشارد تارناس - ترجمة: فاضل جتكر
  23. Hume: Una imprescindible introducción a la vida y la obra de David Hume, el pensador que con sus iconoclastas ideas despertó a la filosofía de su sueño dogmático. Gerardo López Sastre
  24. Naturalism: Reality Through the Lens of Science Hector Davidson
  25. Understanding Cognitive Biases: An Overview of Common Mental Shortcuts William Rands
  26. The Tu Quoque Fallacy: Deflecting Criticism by Accusing the Accuser William Rands
  27. René Descartes: Rationalism and Meditations on First Philosophy Hector Davidson
  28. Stoicism: Finding Strength in Adversity Through Ancient Philosophy Coral Nunez
  29. Personal Attacks and Deflections: How Arguments Go Off Track (2 in 1) William Rands
  30. Vrijmetselarij: Een hoorcollege over de geschiedenis en toekomst van een besloten genootschap Jimmy Koppen
  31. Faulty Comparisons and False Choices: Traps That Limit Our Thinking (2 in 1) William Rands
  32. Distortions in Decision-Making: How Our Minds Trick Us (2 in 1) William Rands
  33. Ideas for the Philosophy of the History of Mankind Johann Gottfried Herder
  34. Knowledge and Epistemology: Exploring the Nature of Knowledge, Truth, and the Limits of Human Understanding (6 in 1) Hector Davidson
  35. Logical Diversions and Misdirections: Tactics That Distract from the Truth (2 in 1) William Rands
  36. Critical Thinking: Fallacies, Benefits, and Other Crucial Aspects Marco Jameson
  37. Critical Thinking: The Concept and Power of Thinking Critically Marco Jameson
  38. Critical Thinking: Common Questions, Answers, and Examples Marco Jameson
  39. Critical Thinking: Relevancy, Attributes, and Meaning Marco Jameson
  40. Critical Thinking: The Skills and Psychology of Questioning the Obvious Marco Jameson
  41. Critical Thinking: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning Explained Marco Jameson
  42. Critical Thinking: Improve Your Academic Standards and Objectivity Marco Jameson
  43. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Emilia Galotti: Ein Trauerspiel. Ungekürzt gelesen. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
  44. Van Til and the Limits of Reason R. J. Rushdoony
  45. How to Keep an Open Mind: An Ancient Guide to Thinking Like a Skeptic Sextus Empiricus
  46. Skepticism: Positive Thinking, Parapsychology, and Critical Thinking Gary Dankock
  47. Skepticism: The Meaning and Theories of a Crucial Philosophy Gary Dankock
  48. Skepticism: Why There Needs to Be More Skeptical Thinking in Psychology Gary Dankock
  49. Skepticism: How to be a Skeptic and Intelligent, Critical Thinker Gary Dankock
  50. Skepticism: The Philosophy and Movement of Doubting the General Narrative Gary Dankock