1. Intermediate Greek: Broaden Your Greek Vocabulary and Cultural Understanding Nicola Wright
  2. Mediterrane minnaars: Liefde op de loop / Een betoverde wereld / De vreemde man / Het masker van de liefde Barbara Cartland
  3. Meditations: Timeless Wisdom for Inner Peace and Purpose Marcus Aurelius
  4. الإلياذة هوميروس
  5. Geschichte Griechenlands: Ein fesselnder Überblick über die griechische Geschichte Billy Wellman
  6. A Story of the Golden Age of Greek Heroes James Baldwin
  7. Meditations Marcus Aurelius
  8. The Iliad & The Odyssey Homer
  9. الأوديسة هوميروس
  10. Gekke goden en de reis naar de onderwereld David Slavin
  11. El asedio de Troya Theodor Kallifatides
  12. Islas griegas vvaa
  13. Minoan Crete: The Lost Civilization of the Aegean Josie Hertz
  14. The Labyrinth: Myths and Realities of Knossos Josie Hertz
  15. Lost Greek Civilizations: Learn More about Troy, Knossos, and Minoan Crete (5 in 1) Josie Hertz
  16. Knossos: The Palace of the Minoan Kings Josie Hertz
  17. Troy: The Myth and the Archaeology Josie Hertz
  18. Still Got It Claire Carver
  19. The Greek Dark Ages: The History and Legacy of the Era Between the Fall of the Mycenaeans and the Rise of the City-States Charles River Editors
  20. Wellengrab: Ein Griechenland-Krimi Edith Kneifl
  21. The Peloponnesian War: A Complete History of the Peloponnesian Conflict: History of the Peloponnesian War, Athens vs. Sparta, Ancient Greek Warfare & The Battle for Greece Michael L. Field
  22. Op weg naar vrijheid: Stoïcijnse teksten voor tijden van crisis Lammert Kamphuis
  23. El asesinato de Platón Marcos Chicot
  24. Art and Architecture of the Ancient Greeks: Archaic and Classical Period Haya Vent
  25. The Eternal Myths: Unveiling the Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome: Exploring the Gods, Heroes, and Legends That Shaped Western Civilization Michael K. Kelly
  26. El Pozo De Corinto Óscar Ocaña Parrón
  27. Bloedkoraal Linda van Rijn
  28. Frühe Kulturen der Ägäis: Bd. 1: Die Ahnen der homerischen Helden Klaus Tausend
  29. The Minoan Mystery: Crete's Forgotten Civilization Minerva Smith
  30. The Complete Book of Greek Cooking Recipe Club of St. Paul’s Church
  31. De bliksemdief: Percy Jackson en de Olympiërs 1: Percy Jackson en de Olympiërs 1 Rick Riordan
  32. Der Archipel in Flammen Jules Verne
  33. Antica Grecia per principianti: La storia dell'Antica Grecia, dall'Età del Bronzo all'Ellenismo e da Apollo a Zeus, raccontata in modo emozionante e divertente. Markus Dannen
  34. The Comprehensive Greece Travel Guide 2025: Must-See Ancient Sites, Hidden Gems & Insider Tips for an Unforgettable Adventure Rowan Miles
  35. Famous Men of Greece John Henry Haaren
  36. Ik haat je, of toch niet?: Haat op het eerste gezicht. Liefde op het tweede? Carol Mason
  37. Pitágoras Fácil de Entender: Descubre la Vida, las Ideas y los Misterios del Filósofo que Unió Matemáticas y Espiritualidad Julián R. Montoya
  38. Under a Greek Moon Carol Kirkwood
  39. The Greek Renaissance: The History and Legacy of the Era Leading to Ancient Greece’s Archaic Age Charles River Editors
  40. Het dagboek van Nurdius Maximus in Griekenland Tim Collins
  41. Mythologica: An encyclopedia of gods, monsters and mortals from ancient Greece Stephen P. Kershaw
  42. Mythologica: An encyclopedia of gods, monsters and mortals from ancient Greece Stephen P. Kershaw
  43. Reaching Mithymna: Among the Volunteers and Refugees on Lesvos Steven Heighton
  44. La curandera de Atenas Isabel Martín
  45. Pánikas Pilar Pedraza
  46. Grieks Wat & Hoe taalgids
  47. Philippus en Alexander: Wereldveroveraars uit Macedonië Adrian Goldsworthy
  48. One of the Girls Lucy Clarke
  49. The Tree H.P. Lovecraft
  50. La Odisea Homer