1. The Two Towers J. R. R. Tolkien
  2. A Joosr Guide to... Get Out of My Life by Tony Wolf and Suzanne Franks: The Best-Selling Parent’s Guide to the New Teenager Joosr
  3. Authenticity, Passion, and Advocacy: Approaching Adolescent Spirituality from the Life and Wisdom of Thomas Merton Thomas E. Malewitz
  4. SAT STRATEGIES: Transform Your Success with Shockingly Simple Secrets!: "Unlock SAT success with our dynamic audio lessons packed with straightforward strategies!" Sullivan Ashford
  5. Smart but Scattered Teens: The "Executive Skills" Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential Peg Dawson
  6. Mentoring Minutes: Weekly Messages to Encourage Anyone Guiding Youth Robin Cox
  7. Is Your Daughter Ready?: 10 Ways to Empower Your Girl for an Age of New Challenges Kari Kampakis
  8. Niet jouw girl: Hoever ga jij om topmodel te worden? Annette Mierswa
  9. Waar was je nou K. Schippers
  10. The Death of Comrade President: A Novel Alain Mabanckou
  11. Redeemed: Audio Bible Studies: How God Satisfies the Longing Soul Will Graham
  12. The Nehemiah Code: Audio Bible Studies: It's Never Too Late for a New Beginning O. S. Hawkins
  13. Heroes Rise: Parents Over Powering Peer Pressures: "Supercharge your parenting skills! Discover impactful audio lessons to counter peer pressures in Heroes Rise." Bastien Kinsale
  14. 5 Steps to School Success: Plus, Tips for Improving Communication with Teachers Julie C. Gilbert
  15. Ik wil geen seks Jill Mathon
  16. Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years Sharry Wilson
  17. Monkeys, Myths, and Molecules: Separating Fact from Fiction in the Science of Everyday Life Joe Schwarcz
  18. Echte Amerikaanse jongens Jason Reynolds
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  20. PENGUINS: Secrets to Thriving in Life's Wild Challenges: "Embrace the wild with our Penguin audiobook—your roadmap to thriving in life's toughest moments!" Orson Calvert
  21. مباريات الجوع سوزان كولنز
  22. محمد صلاح .. القادم من بلاد الياسمين خلف جابر
  23. The Lost Hours Susan Lewis
  24. Life Skills for Teens Beyond the Classroom:: A Fun and Interactive Workbook to Discover Your Purpose, Manage Anxiety, and Navigate Uncertainty Larissa Lawson
  25. El cerebro adolescente: Una mente en construcción Javier Quintero
  26. College Survival Hacks: Secrets to Thriving Through Chaos: "Unlock college success with Survival Hacks—dynamic audio lessons to excel amidst chaos and thrive in exams!" Cyrus Hawke
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  29. Ich glaube, ich bin jetzt mit Nils zusammen - Das Beste aus wieder ausgegrabenen Jugend-Tagebüchern Ella Carina Werner
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  32. المراهق أ.د عبدالكريم بكار
  33. اقرأ - كيف تجعل القراءة جزءاً من حياتك ساجد العبدلي
  34. ما رأيكم في شكلي الآن؟ راندا عبد الفتاح
  35. الأمير الصغير أنطوان دي سانت أكزوبيري
  36. We Should Hang Out Sometime: Embarrassingly, A True Story Josh Sundquist
  37. Leading from Your Gut: How You Can Succeed by Harnessing the Power of Your Values, Feelings, and Intuition John Townsend
  38. SAT Success: Unlock Instant Mastery with Proven Strategies: "Unlock SAT success! Access captivating audio lessons filled with proven strategies for effortless mastery." Ronan Buxted
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  45. Younger Generations: Looking to the Future (2 Titles) Valerie Vogue
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  47. Faraja Nyalandu on the technological revolution Reach for Change
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  50. The DBT Skills Workbook For Teens The Mentor Bucket