1. Syntax and Sentence Structure in Linguistics Aadinath Guha
  2. AUF DER SUCHE NACH DER FANTASTISCHEN SPRACHE: Dem Linguisten und SF-Autor Werner Zillig zum 75. Geburtstag
  3. 1000 Common Phrases: Learn Portuguese Through Everyday Expressions Science-Based Language Learning Lab
  4. 1000 Common Phrases: Learn French Through Everyday Expressions Science-Based Language Learning Lab
  5. 1000 Common Phrases: Learn German Through Everyday Expressions Science-Based Language Learning Lab
  6. The Book of Words Tim Glynne-Jones
  7. English Vocabulary Exercises My Ebook Publishing House
  8. Learn Korean Alphabet: Vowels Jin Sul Lee
  9. Learn Korean Alphabet: Consonants Jin Sul Lee
  10. Eén zijn: thuiskomen bij je zelf Jan Kersschot
  11. Lo que callan las palabras: Mil voces que enriquecerán tu español Manuel Alvar Ezquerra
  12. La conciencia lingüística: Otra Forma De Asumir La Lengua Ivonne Valencia Chaves
  13. De la memoria a la reflexión: La escritura en la universidad Oscar Iván Londoño Zapata
  14. Rare Tongues: The Secret History of Hidden Languages Lorna Gibb
  15. Internetlinguistik: Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch Konstanze Marx
  16. Teaching English: Linguistics and Literature Combined Yogendra Butt
  17. English Language and Linguistic Studies Yogendra Butt
  18. Language of Extremism: Unveiling the Hidden Hooks of Cults: "Transform your insights! Access captivating audio lessons that uncover the hidden dynamics of cults and extremism." Cyrus Penrose
  19. 1000 Common Past Tense Verbs: Learn German Through Simple Sentences Science-Based Language Learning Lab
  20. Impara l'inglese con John Peter Sloan - Step 1 John Peter Sloan
  21. Impara l'inglese con John Peter Sloan - Step 2 John Peter Sloan
  22. Impara l'inglese con John Peter Sloan - Step 3 John Peter Sloan
  23. 1000 Common Conjugations: Learn Polish Through Simple Sentences Science-Based Language Learning Lab
  24. 1000 Common Conjugations: Learn Portuguese Through Simple Sentences Science-Based Language Learning Lab
  25. Language Policies and Educational Practices Saraswati Saini
  26. Applied Linguistics Made Easy Sitara Nambeesan
  27. Phonetics and Phonology: Sound Patterns in Language Aadinath Guha
  28. An Analytical Approach to English Language Suma Pothuvaal
  29. A Guide to the World's Major Languages Gauraang Asan
  30. Technical Writing and Professional Communication Baalaaditya Mishra
  31. Exploring Sociolinguistics: Language in Society Sitara Nambeesan
  32. Understanding Words and Morphology Gauraang Asan
  33. Grammar and Linguistics: Core Concepts Saraswati Saini
  34. Words, Phrases, and Building a Strong Vocabulary Gauraang Asan
  35. Genderlinguistik: Eine Einführung in Sprache, Gespräch und Geschlecht Helga Kotthoff
  36. Nieuwetijdskinderen: het intuitieve kind in gezin, onderwijs en hulpverlening Carla Muijsert-van Blitterswijk
  37. Language and Linguistics: Foundations Explained Divakar Ahuja
  38. Language, Linguistics, and Development Simplified Narinder Mehra
  39. L'alchimie des mots: L'art d'entendre au-delà des mots Louise Côté
  40. Perfect English Grammar: The Indispensable Guide to Excellent Writing and Speaking Grant Barrett
  41. Al-'Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, Volume 57, Volume 57
  42. American Sign Language Dictionary for Beginners: A Visual Guide with 800+ ASL Signs Tara Adams
  43. #Панталоныфракжилет: Что такое языковые заимствования и как они работают Мария Елифёрова
  44. Mama luister je? Rosemarijn Roes
  45. Stai calmo e usa le parole giuste nel giusto ordine Paolo Borzacchiello
  46. Linguistic Anthropology: Language and Culture Abani Malik
  47. Smartphone Communication and Society Baalaaditya Mishra
  48. Toponimia andina: Introducción a sus problemas y métodos Rodolfo Cerrón-Palomino
  49. Linguistic Studies Yogendra Butt
  50. Aportes a la educación intercultural bilingüe: Los vínculos entre las representaciones científicas y vernáculas sobre las Pléyades (Dapichi') en el Gran Chaco Geraldine Chadwick