1. Not Yet Christmas: It's Time for Advent J.D. Walt
  2. Soundtrack: A Forty-Day Playlist Through the Psalms J.D. Walt
  3. The Pine Child Paul Edmund Thomas
  4. God Hasn't Forgotten You: 24 Remarkable Ways God Is Working in You and Through You Robert J. Morgan
  5. God's Blessings of Christmas: Devotions and Bible Verses Celebrating the Savior's Birth Billy Graham
  6. The Bookstore on Marco Island Amy Rafferty
  7. A Home For Christmas: A Romantic Love Bond (Contemporary Romance, Book 1) Becky J
  8. Verlorene Geschenke: Ein weihnachtliches Abenteuer voller Mut, Freundschaft und Magie Mustapha Benarousse
  9. Christmas Eve: The Nativity Story in Art, Verse, & Song
  10. O Holy Night
  11. The Baby on Marco Island Amy Rafferty
  12. Turning over Tables: A Lenten Call for Disrupting Power Kathy Escobar
  13. The Christian New Year: Advent J.D. Walt
  14. All about Diwali: The Festival of Lights at Anish’s and Ashthan’s Home Shamgi Muhunthan
  15. The Promise of the Bell: Christmas in Philadelphia Agnes Repplier
  16. The Art of Living in Advent: 28 Days of Joyful Waiting Sylvie Vanhoozer
  17. From Christmas to Twelfth Night in Southern Illinois John J. Dunphy
  18. The Old Magic of Christmas: Yuletide Traditions for the Darkest Days of the Year Linda Raedisch
  19. Sterne, Schnee und Weihnachtsduft - Meine schönsten Weihnachtsgeschichten Hans Christian Andersen
  20. Wenn der Himmel die Erde heute küsst …: Geschichten zur Weihnachtszeit
  21. Weihnachten in Gebirg': Mit Illustrationen von Christiane Knorr
  22. 24 Geschichten zum Advent Arnd Brummer
  23. Weihnachtstraum: 24 bezaubernde Geschichten für Weihnachten Hans-Peter Schneider
  24. A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens
  25. The Bachelor on Marco Island Amy Rafferty
  26. The Soul Felt Its Worth: A 25-Day Devotional Journey Through the Music of Christmas Cameron Frank
  27. Have Yourself a Minimalist Christmas: Slow Down, Save Money & Enjoy a More Intentional Holiday Meg Nordmann
  28. The Nutcracker And The Mouse-King E. T. A. Hoffmann
  29. Halloween and Other Festivals of Death and Life Jack Santino
  30. Gedanken zur Weihnachtszeit Wolfgang Küpper
  31. Old Christmas Washington Irving
  32. Leckere Fastenrezepte für Ihre Familie: Gemeinsames Fasten für spirituelles Wachstum Marie I. Kerr
  33. Deliciosas recetas de Cuaresma para la familia: Ayunando juntos para crecer espiritualmente Marie I. Kerr
  34. Stories Behind the Traditions and Songs of Easter Ace Collins
  35. An Advent Alphabet: Daily Readings from William Stringfellow Jeffrey A. Mackey
  36. An Angel's Story Max Lucado
  37. A Mystery Play in Honour of the Nativity of our Lord: Christmas Drama Robert Hugh Benson
  38. Christmastide – Its History, Festivities, and Carols: Holiday Celebrations in Britain from Old Ages to Modern Times William Sandys
  39. Ploughshares and First Fruits: A Year of Festivals for the Rural Church Chris Thorpe
  40. Bethlehem, the Year Jesus Was Born: Unwrapping the Theology Behind Christmas Scott Douglas
  41. Christmas Reading: 400 Christmas Novels Stories Poems Carols Legends (Illustrated Edition) Hans Christian Andersen
  42. A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens
  43. The History of Hinduism and Buddhism: All 3 Volumes Charles Eliot
  44. The Legend of the Christmas Rose & Other Christmas Stories Selma Lagerlöf
  45. The Collection of Jewish Stories: If Not Higher, Domestic Happiness, In the Post-chaise, The New Tune, The Seventh Candle of Blessing… Isaac Loeb Peretz
  46. La Naissance du Roi: Le Messie est né ! Bible Pathway Adventures
  47. Soundtrack: A Forty-Day Playlist through the Psalms J.D. Walt
  48. The Szyk Haggadah Arthur Szyk
  49. Tinsel: A Search for America’s Christmas Present Hank Stuever
  50. Waiting for Messiah: Remembering Easter 2020 Rainbow Chang