1. Patriot: mijn verhaal Aleksej Navalny
  2. La Rusia de los zares: La forja de un gran imperio en la Europa oriental Carles Buenacasa Pérez
  3. Authoritarianism: A Very Short Introduction James Loxton
  4. Einreden: Zu Zeitgeschichte und Zeitgenossenschaft Norbert Frei
  5. Die Codes der Extremisten: Wie Links- und Rechtsextreme, Autokraten und Islamisten die Demokratie unterwandern Gerald Fleischmann
  6. Фашизмы Александр Генис
  7. Перед концом истории?: Грани русского антимира Михаил Эпштейн
  8. La extrema derecha en Europa: Nacionalismo, xenofobia, odio Nicolas Lebourg
  9. Riding the Tiger: Vladimir Putin's Russia and Uses of War Leon Aron
  10. Operation Sea Lion Succeeds: Britain Falls to Nazi Germany (Alternate History) Marcus Draysun
  11. Under The Axe Of Fascism Gaetano Salvemini
  12. Totalitarianism Unmasked: Understanding the Mechanics of Absolute Political Control Arlo Holders
  13. Fascism 2025 Geoffrey Giuliano
  14. Indian Democracy: Origins, Trajectories, Contestations
  15. Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism: Examining the Structure and Influence of Authoritarian Regimes (3 in 1) Arlo Holders
  16. El puerto invisible Adriana Serlik
  17. State and Revolution Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
  18. Dictator Robert Harris
  19. El Populismo: Una estrategia de movilización política Salvador Cárdenas
  20. Kaaskop tussen de kalasjnikovs: Verhalen uit het echte Rusland William Immink
  21. Die Flugblätter der Weißen Rose – Als Fließtext und original Faksimile Christoph Probst
  22. Animal Farm George Orwell
  23. De sterren boven Bagdad Gina Wilkinson
  24. Soy la venganza de un hombre muerto Alberto Valle
  25. Amor fati. Siete ensayos sobre Bergen-Belsen Abel J. Herzberg
  26. Machiavelli: On Politics and Power Niccolò Machiavelli
  27. El eterno retorno Farid Kahhat
  28. Escape from Freedom Erich Fromm
  29. Spain and Peace Howard Fast
  30. Forbidden Bookshelf's Resistance in America Collection: Friendly Fascism, The Search for an Abortionist, and Dallas '63 Nancy Howell Lee
  31. Assassination on Embassy Row John Dinges
  32. The War Against the Jew Dagobert D. Runes
  33. Assassins of the Turquoise Palace Roya Hakakian
  34. Gaddafi's Harem: The Story of a Young Woman and the Abuses of Power in Libya Annick Cojean
  35. My Crazy Century Ivan Klíma
  36. Journey into the Whirlwind: The Critically Acclaimed Memoir of Stalin's Reign of Terror Eugenia Semyonovna Ginzburg
  37. Totalitarianism: Part Three of The Origins of Totalitarianism Hannah Arendt
  38. Neoliberalism's War on Higher Education Henry A. Giroux
  39. North Korea's Hidden Revolution: How the Information Underground Is Transforming a Closed Society Jieun Baek
  40. Summary Execution: The Seattle Assassinations of Silme Domingo and Gene Viernes Michael Withey
  41. The Condor Years: How Pinochet and His Allies Brought Terrorism to Three Continents John Dinges
  42. Ideology and the Rationality of Domination: Nazi Germanization Policies in Poland Gerhard Wolf
  43. Entwaffnet Sie! - Die Strategien von AfD & Co. erkennen und bekämpfen: Die Strategien von AfD und Co. erkennen und bekämpfen Franziska Schreiber
  44. Thirteenth State of the Nation Address: A Dictator's Vision: Progress and Propaganda in Philippine History Ferdinand Marcos
  45. El papa ario Mario Escobar
  46. Suffragette Fascists: Emmeline Pankhurst & Her Right-Wing Followers Simon Webb
  47. Política revolucionaria Leopoldo Lugones
  48. Rude Awakenings: An American Historian's Encounter with Nazism, Communism, and McCarthyism Carol Sicherman
  49. Animal Farm: An Allegorical Critique of Power and Revolution in a Farm Setting Eric Arthur Blair
  50. Securing Democracy: My Fight for Press Freedom and Justice in Bolsonaro's Brazil Glenn Greenwald