The tasks of Christian ministry in African contexts have most often proceeded through the ingenuity of African practitioners utilizing resources written for and from Euro-American contexts. In the main African Christian practitioners have had to adapt or contextualize such material to suit their immediate situation. The aim of the books in this African Practical Theology series is to provide relevant resources for pastors, faith community leaders, educators, and all others who influence Christian practice in African contexts written from a decidedly African perspective. Each of these texts draw specifically from three bodies of knowledge namely, theological, human scientific and contextual. The intention is to model the necessarily thoughtful, creative and faithful scholarship needed to inform Christian practice in African contexts.
By "African contexts" is meant not only the geographical continent of Africa but also the many spaces, places, and communities in Europe, the Americas, the Caribbean, and throughout the globe where persons of African descent gather for Christian nurture and practice.
Each volume is a collected set of essays authored by people of African descent domiciled in any of the aforementioned spaces whose concern, research and practice has a direct bearing on Christian practice in these locations.
Of great importance in this collection of works is the interdisciplinary dialog that has typically informed Christian practice historically as well as the mutually beneficial interactions that continue to take place between theory and practice, faith and experience, theology and life.
Our expectation is that these books will not only remain on the bookshelves of educated pastors and leaders but also that they will be consulted actively and constantly by practitioners in their daily exercise of ministry. Our hope is that they will assist in the refining of effective and fruitful ministry specifically in African contexts.
Series Editors:
Emmanuel Lartey
Tapiwa Mucherera
(General Editors)