Wings of Wonder is a thrilling tale of adventure, mystery, and magic for young readers. Misha, an ordinary boy with extraordinary dreams, receives a pair of enchanted boots that grant him the power to fly. As he soars above his village and explores the skies, he uncovers a hidden world full of secrets, magical creatures, and ancient powers.
When Misha discovers a hidden path leading to a mysterious tree, he learns that he is destined to protect the balance between the earth and the sky. With the help of the Keeper of the Sky and a magical crystal, Misha embarks on an incredible journey to unlock the full power of his boots and discover the true purpose of his gift.
Filled with magic, courage, and the spirit of adventure, Wings of Wonder will capture the imagination of young readers and inspire them to believe in the power of their dreams.
© 2024 Roman Kravchenko (หนังสือเสียง ): 9798347808243
หนังสือเสียง : 17 ธันวาคม 2567
กว่า 500 000 รายการ
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