This series, in seven parts, tells the story of America from the earliest founding through the days of Woodrow Wilson World War I. Part 7 continues the series with the development of the United States under the presidents from Washington to Wilson.
Stories include:
Washington: First in War, First in Peace Adams: How He Kept Peace with France Jefferson: How the Territory of the United States Was Doubled Jefferson: How the Door into the Far West Was Opened Jefferson: About an American Who Wanted to Be a King Madison: The Shooting Star and the Prophet Madison: War with Great Britain Monroe: The First Whispers of a Storm; Monroe’s Famous Doctrine Adams: The Tariff of Abominations Jackson: “Liberty and Union, Now and Forever”; Van Buren; Hard Times Harrison: The Hero of Tippecanoe Tyler: Florida Becomes a State Polk: How Much Land was Added to the United States Polk : The Finding of Gold Taylor: Union or Disunion Fillmore: The Underground Railroad Pierce: The Story of “Bleeding Kansas” Buchanan: The Story of the Mormons Buchanan: The First Shots Lincoln: From Bull Run to Fort Donelson Lincoln: The Story of the First Battle between Ironclads Lincoln: The Battle of Shiloh and the Taking of New Orleans Lincoln: The Slaves Are Made Free Lincoln: Chancellorsville; the Death of Stonewall Jackson Lincoln: The Battle of Gettysburg Lincoln: Grant’s Campaign; Sheridan’s Ride Lincoln: Sherman’s March to the Sea; Lincoln Reelected President Lincoln: The End of the War; The President’s Death Johnson: How the President Was Impeached Grant: A Peaceful Victory; Hayes; Garfield; Arthur Cleveland; Harrison; Cleveland McKinley: War and Sudden Death; Roosevelt; Taft Wilson: Troubles with Mexico Wilson: The Great War
© 2014 Alcazar AudioWorks (หนังสือเสียง ): 9781483012568
หนังสือเสียง : 22 พฤษภาคม 2557
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