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"The Heavenly Christmas Tree" is a poignant and thought-provoking short story by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The narrative revolves around a young boy, abandoned and destitute, who experiences a series of extraordinary events on a freezing Christmas Eve. The story begins with the boy waking up in a cold and damp cellar, dressed in threadbare clothes. His mother, sick and helpless, lies nearby. The boy, desperate and hungry, ventures out into the bustling town, filled with vibrant lights, horse-drawn carriages, and joyful people preparing for Christmas. As he navigates the streets, the boy peeks through windows, observing the merriment and warmth within the houses. His longing for food and shelter intensifies, and he finds solace in his vivid imagination. The boy imagines a magnificent Christmas tree, adorned with lights, decorations, and precious gifts—an embodiment of happiness and fulfillment. This profound tale reminds us of the importance of kindness, empathy, and the enduring spirit of Christmas, urging us to reflect on the inherent worth and dignity of every human being, regardless of their circumstances.
© 2015 Interactive Media (หนังสือเสียง
): 9781911144557
© 2016 Interactive Media (อีบุ๊ก
): 9781911263067
: 15 ธันวาคม 2558
: 15 กุมภาพันธ์ 2559