Bedtime Stories for Easter: 14 Relaxing Short Bedtime Stories to Entertain Young Children Over the Easter HolidaysHans Christian Andersen
Short Kids Stories for the Car: Calming Short Stories to Keep Your Little One Entertained on Car JourneysHans Christian Andersen
The Jumblies, and Other Nonsense Verses: A Whimsical Collection of Delightful and Nonsensical VersesEdward Lear
Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidæ, or Parrots: The greater part of them species hitherto unfigured, containing forty-two lithographic plates, drawings from life, and on stoneEdward Lear
Книга нонсенса. Сотня бестолковых рисунков и стишков.: Иллюстрированное издание. Стихотворения. ЛимерикиЭдвард Лир