12 magische Rauhnachtsreisen mit deinem Krafttier: zum Loslassen, Krafttanken, Neuausrichten und Manifestieren Christiane Krieg
12 magische Rauhnachtsreisen mit deinem Krafttier: zum Loslassen, Krafttanken, Neuausrichten und Manifestieren Christiane Krieg
The Twelve Faces of the Goddess: Transform Your Life with Astrology, Magick, and the Sacred Feminine Danielle Blackwood4.7
A Modern Guide to Heathenry: Lore, Celebrations, and Mysteries of the Northern Traditions Galina Krasskova4
Hekate Liminal Rites: A Study of the Rituals, Magic and Symbols of the Torch-Bearing Triple Goddess of the Crossroads Sorita d'Este4.6
Seidr: The Gate is Open: The Gate is Open: Working with Trance Prophecy, the High Seat and Norse Witchcraft Katie Gerrard4.2
Awaken Your Inner Goddess: Practical Tools for Self-Care, Emotional Healing, and Self-Realization Dr. Dara Goldberg, PhD4.7
Divine Masculine Guided Meditation: Reclaiming your masculine power, connect to male ancestors, power confidence and strength, raise self-esteem, own your power, live your life with passions Think and Bloom3
Apollonius of Tyana: The Pagan Christ of the Third Century: Exploring the Mystical Legacy of a Pagan Rival to Early Christianity Albert Réville
Spellcraft for a Magical Year: Rituals and Enchantments for Prosperity, Power, and Fortune Sarah Bartlett
Angels, Spirit Guides & Goddesses: A Guide to Working with 100 Divine Beings in Your Daily Life Audra Auclair
101 Power Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Magical Crystals, Gems, and Stones for Healing and Transformation Judy Hall
Living the Faery Life: A Guide to Connecting with the Magic, Power and Joy of the Enchanted Realm Kac Young
Schamanismus & Krafttiere: Hintergründe, Praxisbeispiele und kritische Fragen zu schamanischen Ritualen, Energiemedizin und Krafttieren Wolfgang Sonnscheidt
The Witchcraft Collection (Volume Two): Dictionary of Mysticism, Encyclopedia of Superstitions, and Dictionary of Magic Harry E. Wedeck
Goddesses for Every Day: Exploring the Wisdom and Power of the Divine Feminine around the World Julie Loar
When Someone You Love is Wiccan: A Guide to Witchcraft and Paganism for Concerned Friends, Nervous Parents, and Curious Co-workers Carl McColman
You Don't Have to Die to Go to Heaven: How to Find Guidance and Healing in the Spirit Realms Susan Allison