
  1. Vasco da Gama: The First Person to Sail from Europe to India around the African Continent Kelly Mass
  2. Voyagers: Biographies about Ernest Shackleton, Marco Polo, the Pilgrims, and Vasco de Gama (4 in 1) Kelly Mass
  3. Ik omhels je onafgebroken Ida Does
  4. Orpheus in de dessa Augusta de Wit
  5. Amor y conquista Marisol Martín del Campo
  6. Witte gevoeligheid Robin DiAngelo
  7. De wraak van Diponegoro: Begin en einde van Nederlands-Indië Martin Bossenbroek
  8. Making Abolitionist Worlds: Proposals for a World on Fire Various authors
  9. Giving A Damn: Racism, Romance and Gone with the Wind Patricia Williams
  10. Topologie van het naaimandje Ingrid Hoogervorst
  11. Churchill and Africa: Empire, Decolonisation and Race C. Brad Faught
  12. Afrikaner Identity: From Anticolonial Struggle Through Hegemonic Nationalism to Disempowered Minority Eric Louw
  13. A Lesson from Mr Punch Colin Tucker
  14. Colonialism: The Expansion of European Powers and its Global Consequences Arlo Holders
  15. Indigenous Writes: A Guide to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit issues in Canada Chelsea Vowel
  16. Economic Impacts of Imperialism: How Empire Building Shaped Global Trade and Economics Arlo Holders
  17. Decolonization Movements: The Struggle for Independence and Post-Colonial Challenges Arlo Holders
  18. Imperialism and Its Legacy: The Long-Term Effects of Empire Building on Modern Nations Arlo Holders
  19. The Age of Imperialism: How Colonial Powers Expanded Their Influence Globally Arlo Holders
  20. The Rise of Indigenous Economic Power: Deconstructing Indian Act Economics Carol Anne Hilton
  21. Resistance to Imperialism: How Colonized Nations Fought for Independence and Sovereignty Arlo Holders
  22. The Colonial Legacy: How Colonialism Shaped Modern Political and Economic Landscapes Arlo Holders
  23. Things Come Together: Critical Thinking and Dogmatic Indoctrination by an African Layman Mzwandile Mbatha
  24. Marxismo negro: Pensamiento descolonizador del Caribe anglófono Daniel Montáñez
  25. Planet Palm: How Palm Oil Ended Up in Everything—and Endangered the World Jocelyn C. Zuckerman
  26. Mujer y negra Tsitsi Dangarembga
  27. They Called It Peace: Worlds of Imperial Violence Lauren Benton
  28. The Māori and the Pākehā: A History of New Zealand's Indigenous and Colonial Past Lilian Brooks
  29. The Making of Modern New Zealand: From Colonization to Sovereignty Lilian Brooks
  30. The Mosquito Confederation: A Borderlands History of Colonial Central America Daniel Mendiola
  31. The Rise and Fall of Imperial Powers: A Historical Analysis of Major Imperial Empires Arlo Holders
  32. Global Politics of Welsh Patagonia: Settler Colonialism from the Margins Lucy Taylor
  33. We Still Here: Pandemic, Policing, Protest, and Possibility Marc Lamont Hill
  34. Political Movements and Revolutions: Examining Populist and Revolutionary Movements (5 in 1) Arlo Holders
  35. Colonialism and Imperialism: The History and Legacy of Colonial and Imperial Powers (3 in 1) Arlo Holders
  36. Israel: The Last Vestige of European Colonialism in the Middle East A.A. Castor
  37. Economic Structures and Global Relations: Examining the Impact of Various Economic Systems on Global Stability (3 in 1) Arlo Holders
  38. Social Movements and Resistance: Movements for Social Change and Political Freedom (3 in 1) Arlo Holders
  39. Pax Economica: Left-Wing Visions of a Free Trade World Marc-William Palen
  40. De geboorte van New York: Hoe het Nederlandse Manhattan in Engelse handen kwam Russell Shorto
  41. Drax of Drax Hall: How One British Family Got Rich (and Stayed Rich) from Sugar and Slavery Paul Lashmar
  42. La República del Paraguay Rubén Darío
  43. The Psychic Lives of Statues: Reckoning with the Rubble of Empire Rahul Rao
  44. Thomas Sankara Gerd Schumann
  45. The End of Empires and a World Remade: A Global History of Decolonization Martin Thomas
  46. Decolonizing Language and Other Revolutionary Ideas Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
  47. The Last of the Mohicans James Fenimore Cooper
  48. England and Ireland: Exploring the Complex Dynamics of England and Ireland: A Critical Analysis of Colonialism, Nationalism, and Intercultural Conflicts in the 19th Century John Stuart Mill
  49. Emancipate your colonies!: Advocating for Colonial Independence and Human Rights Jeremy Bentham
  50. Revolusi: Indonesië en het ontstaan van de moderne wereld David Van Reybrouck